The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Upko Komulakan members all for Momogun unity


KOTA KINABALU: The young people are all for the unity of the Momogun communitie­s to be further strengthen­ed “the soonest possible”, said United Pasokmomog­un Kadazandus­un Murut Organisati­on (UPKO) Komulakan wing’s election director, Rayner Ebi.

He stressed, “my peers are ready to chip in and make it happens.”

“It is very obvious. We all want unity. To be otherwise is unusual, a disaster. We hope our Momoguns will be united further the soonest possible for the greater good of all,” he added.

Ebi, a vice chief of the movement catering for those from the age of 18-30 years old, said such was “the pulse of the 15,000 Komulakan members throughout Sabah. We are fully in tune with the call by our party leaders on this. Bersatu, Misompuru!”

He was commenting on a recent call by UPKO informatio­n chief Albert Bingkasan, who was reported to have said that the thirst for unity is crystal clear among the Momogun communitie­s.

As director of operation, said Ebi, he had gone to all the seats allocated to UPKO in the last general elections, namely Penampang, Moyog, Putatan, Tuaran, Ranau, Paginatan, Nabawan, Kuamut, Kuala Penyu and Bingkor.

“There were times when some of us are frustrated because we are all so fractional­ised. It is very sad. In the Barisan Nasional coalition, we have Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah, Parti Bersatu Sabah and UPKO all of which the core supporters are the Momoguns; we are united somehow. But we can be better.

“In the opposition front, the situation is worse. Yes, there were calls among their leaders for them to close rank and face the BN as one, but believe you me, they will not be able to achieve that,” he said.

Ebi was met during a meet-thekomulak­an session in Tamparuli, near here yesterday.

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