The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Opposition’s way to seek support ‘detrimenta­l’

- By Nancy Lai

KOTA KINABALU: The opposition in Sabah is playing with the emotion of the people to garner support, opined Barisan Nasional (BN) Strategic Communicat­ions Director Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

The Sabah BN Secretary in saying this added that the opposition’s tactic is to incite hatred for BN among the people.

Speaking to reporters after officiatin­g City Hall’s ‘Ramai Ramai di Inanam’ program here yesterday, Abdul Rahman pointed out that the opposition would say, “vote for me because Barisan Nasional (BN) and its people are evil and ruthless.

“That is not a good way to win the election. What political parties should do instead is to garner support by explaining to the rakyat what they can do for them. If their approach is to accuse their opponents of being evil, ‘hangkang’ our state and country. It is very detrimenta­l,” he said.

He cited for example Parti Warisan Sabah and its president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal who should say ‘vote for me because my policies are better than BN’.

“Then only the people of Sabah will believe you. If you come back and say ‘Sabah for Sabah’ sorry you don’t have credibilit­y to use that slogan. As much as I respect him (Shafie), he does not have the credibilit­y because he was in Kuala Lumpur for years, bringing to the people policies of the federal government.

“So for him to claim to be a hero, is a slap to the rakyat of Sabah. So don’t deceive the Sabahans. I want to ask Warisan what is their policy on education, developmen­t, economy, social and foreign affairs among others. Tell the people of Sabah, don’t just go round the state with your talks to invoke the emotion of the people (by being) rhetoric and vengeful.

“No party will survive based on personal revenge. More so Datuk Seri Shafie because I am confident that had he received what he wanted in BN, he would not have left the coalition.

“He wanted something, we all know what, you all know … my point is if you want to form the government, offer something good for the rakyat. We in BN, we have policies, experience. Past is past let us talk about the future which I think BN hands down, has better plans than the opposition.

“I just hope the people of Sabah in particular, because of our political strength, we have more representa­tion in the federal government,” he said and added that never before has a Sabahan been appointed to hold the post of a minister in charge of economy.

All the ministries held by Sabahans are catalysts for the developmen­t of the country, said Abdul Rahman who also stressed that it is important for Sabahans to hold true to the strength as this will lead to Sabahans being appointed to more important posts in the future.

“Don’t be emotional when venturing into the election, strategize and the strategy is to strengthen BN and be victorious and so that Sabahans have the leverage to hold important posts on the national level,” he said.

“When we have the voice in the national level, we can influence federal policies for the sake of Sabah. So choose BN because we will deliver,” he added.

Abdul Rahman also paid tribute to the leadership of Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman who, he pointed out, has achieved tremendous progress in leading the state.

 ??  ?? GAMBUS FESTIVAL: Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman playing a gambus to mark the opening of the 18th State-level Gambus Festival while the Sabah Brunai Community Associatio­n committee looks on. The event was held in the Papar Community Centre on...
GAMBUS FESTIVAL: Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman playing a gambus to mark the opening of the 18th State-level Gambus Festival while the Sabah Brunai Community Associatio­n committee looks on. The event was held in the Papar Community Centre on...

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