The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Smear tacticians already busy at work


WEEKS before campaignin­g for the 14th general election gets underway, those specialisi­ng in gutter politics are already busy at work.

It appears that these smear tacticians cannot wait to get their hands dirty as evident in the recent 16-second viral video clip involving former chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee.

Like many others, I too received that video clip and since I don’t speak Hakka, I was utterly shocked when a friend translated what was said in that doctored video clip.

I know politics has been described as dirty but for anyone to stoop so low as to use such foul language in the clip is a new low, at least for me.

I can only guess on the motive of those behind the video clip but it seems to me that it is an act of desperatio­n.

This must be an act of those who fear if Yong were to contest in this election.

If left unchecked, such disparagin­g tactics could be used against anyone who is feared or envied by others. And if nothing is done, it will also become part of Sabah’s political culture and that is truly scary in that it is so easy to be done.

It doesn’t take an IT expert to do a voice over of a video clip of anyone speaking.

Smearing others seem to be the work of certain parties.

For them, the wilder and more outrageous the allegation­s levelled against their opponents, the better it is - just as long as they win.

I saw this in the 2013 elections when the DAP candidate for Likas state assembly Junz Wong accused Yong on social media of receiving a RM50 million bribe.

Junz later issued a public apology after Yong sued him for defamation. But by then, it didn’t really matter did it? After all Junz already won the Likas seat.

We as a community must say enough is enough and reject those who rely on smearing to win votes.

Si Angkol

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