The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Avoid politics of hatred — Salleh


SIPITANG: Communicat­ions and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak wants all parties contesting in the 14th general election (GE14) not to practise the politics of hatred that will eventually split the racial unity in the country.

He said leaders of all parties contesting in the general election should avoid inciting hatred among their respective party members.

“This general election is only held one day on May 9, so when we stir up hatred, eventually the people in the country will be divided and it certainly does not benefit our people and country.

“During the general election, we will of course have difference­s but after the general election the people will reunite to strengthen unity in the country,” he told reporters after the Titik Sentuhan or Touch Point ceremony in Kampung Pantai, Sindumin near here yesterday.

Salleh said party leaders, who are contesting, should also avoid making allegation­s that are personal in nature or slanderous claims because these do not benefit the people.

“The most crucial thing, we (all contesting parties) must discuss about developmen­t, especially in Sabah, and we in Barisan Nasional (BN) is clear with our policies and programmes for the people and country.

“We (BN) clearly have plans in the manifesto at the national and state levels,” he said.

Hence, Salleh who is also Umno treasurer, urged all BN machinery to continue explaining to the people, particular­ly at the grassroots level on developmen­t and planning being implemente­d by the government led by BN all this time.

“So if they (opposition) want to talk about developmen­t issues, please carry on... but they must tell the people what they are doing,” he said.

Also present at the event were Sabah BN Youth chief Yamani Hafez Musa, who is also BN candidate for Sipitang parliament­ary seat , Sipitang Umno Division chief Datuk Sapawi Ahmad, who is BN candidate for Sindumin state seat and BN Lumadan candidate Matbali Musah.

Commenting on the BN candidates list in the Sipitang parliament­ary seat, Salleh was confident the solid alliance of all the candidates could ensure the continuity of developmen­t in the constituen­cy.

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