The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Strange for Dr M not to visit Sabah — Anifah


KOTA KINABALU: Pakatan Harapan's candidate for Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad should have included Sabah on his campaign trail, said Kimanis Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Anifah Aman.

“He has visited all the states in Peninsula Malaysia but not Sabah - this is strange. Now for example, if I wanted to be the Chief Minister of Sabah and I visited all the districts except for one, how would the rakyat there feel?

“As a leader we must be fair. Mahathir visited all the states except Sabah so what is the possibilit­y that if he becomes Prime Minister he will spare a thought for us? It is as if we are second class citizens,” said Anifah adding that as a Sabahan, he felt very insulted.

“Why should a prospectiv­e Prime Minister want to treat us as second class citizen?” he continued.

Speaking to reporters at the Community College in Kimanis, Anifah pointed out that by not visiting Sabah, Mahathir has not seen the real situation here.

“I want Mahathir to stand in front of Sabahans and say that he will return our rights. This is what I am fighting for, for our rights which are enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and Federal Constituti­on to be returned to us,” he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has pledged that Sabah's rights will be returned.

He claimed that Mahathir had not done much for Sabah in his 22 years as Prime Minister.

“It is enough. There is nothing much he has done for all of us. So he should have come here and explain to us why he wants to be Prime Minister. Nothing personal but I do not want him to be Prime Minister. Enough is enough for the sake of all Sabahans,” he stressed.

Anifah also pointed out that Najib is a very fair man.

“I know him very well as a Foreign Minister and it is easy to discuss matters with him. With Mahathir, when ISA was still enforced, I would have ended up in Kamunting when I voiced out about MA63. But I am still free to walk around because it is Najib (who is Prime Minister) and not Mahathir,” he added.

 ??  ?? Anifah visiting an exhibition stall set up at the venue.
Anifah visiting an exhibition stall set up at the venue.
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