The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Hisham says won’t contest in central Umno polls


JOHOR BAHRU: Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Tun Hussein yesterday announced that he will not contest for any posts at the central level during party elections this June.

He said he instead would work to help rebuild Umno after its defeat in the recent 14th General Elections (GE14), beginning from Johor.

He also stressed this did not mean he was leaving politics.

“My political career will not end, I have been involved in politics all my life and I will not leave the party.

“I hope this (sacrifice not to contest) makes others realise as well that holding posts is not important in our cause to serve the people,” he said in a press conference yesterday.

The former Defence Minister said he had discussed the matter with acting president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Johor Umno Liaison Committee chairman Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, and they respected his wishes.

“After Raya, I will go down to the divisions to explain why I do not wish to contest in more detail, and to voice my support for Mohamed Khaled as a vicepresid­ential candidate,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said Barisan Nasional’s poor performanc­e in the last GE meant that Umno could no longer operate as usual, and required a total change in its approach. - Bernama

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