The Borneo Post (Sabah)

18 foreign trawlers detained for illegal fishing


KOTA KINABALU: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcemen­t Agency (MMEA) detained 18 foreign trawlers for illegal fishing in the waters of Sabah in the first nine months of this year.

Its Sabah director, First Admiral Mohd Zubil Mat Som said 10 of the trawlers were detained by the MMEA in Kota Kinabalu and eight trawlers were seized in Kudat.

“Since the beginning of this year until September, MMEA has been conducting numerous operations and detained 18 foreign trawlers caught fishing illegally in the waters of Sabah.

“Most of the trawlers were caught after MMEA received informatio­n from the public,” he said in a statement.

Mohd Zubil added that most of the seized trawlers had no proper permit and MMEA charged them under Section 31(1) of the Fishery Act 1985.

Meanwhile, Mohd Zubil also said that MMEA had recorded 13 cases of illegal fish bombing that occurred in the waters of Sabah in the first nine months of this year.

He said seven cases were recorded in Kota Kinabalu, three in Semporna, and one each in Labuan, Kudat and Tawau.

He said all those caught would be charged in court under the Fishery Act 1985.

Mohd Zubil said fish bombing would not only destroy the coral and reef in the sea but also dangerous to diving activities.

He said MMEA would continue to carry out more operations to stop such illegal fish bombings and called on the public to continue providing informatio­n to the agency through its hotline at 088-270 165.

 ??  ?? A Vietnamese trawler that was caught by MMEA in one of their operations.
A Vietnamese trawler that was caught by MMEA in one of their operations.

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