The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Yemen separatist­s call for southern uprising


ADEN: Yemen’s southern separatist movement on Wednesday called for an uprising against President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, accusing the government of negligence and corruption.

The Southern Transition­al Council, mainly based in the government bastion of Aden, has gained traction in its push for self-rule over the past year and regularly denounces the Saudibacke­d government as corrupt.

Allied with army troops trained by the United Arab Emirates, the separatist­s in January seized control of parts of Aden province.

The STC on Wednesday called for a “peaceful, popular uprising” in protest against inflation and poverty in the war-torn country, where the government has battled northern Huthi rebels linked to Iran for four years.

The council also called on security forces to prevent “damage to public property”.

“All of southern Yemen is a disaster area thanks to the policies of the so-called legitimate government,” read a statement released by the STC.

The separatist­s called on Saudi Arabia and its allies, which publicly support the president, to back their push for independen­ce and find a “solution to the issue of the south”.

Southern Yemen is home to both the government and separatist­s, once allies in the country’s war.

The STC and Hadi have publicly disagreed on the future of Yemen since clashes erupted in Aden in January.

The separatist­s have called for the reinstatem­ent of north and south Yemen as independen­t states. The two were unified in 1990.

The Yemen war has triggered what the UN calls the world’s largest single humanitari­an crisis, with more than three-quarters of the population in need of aid and 8.4 million people at risk of famine. — AFP

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