The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Lawyer questions timing of Musa’s arrest


KUALA LUMPUR: The arrest of Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) ahead of Wednesday's High Court decision on who is the rightful Chief Minister of Sabah is highly questionab­le, according to his counsel, Amer Hamzah Arshad.

“Why arrest him now, just before the High Court is set to deliver its decision? I hope that this is not some ploy to prejudice Tan Sri Musa in the eyes of the Kota Kinabalu High Court,” he said.

The Kota Kinabalu High Court set November 7 to deliver its ruling on the Originatin­g Summons filed by Musa for a declaratio­n that he is the lawful Chief Minister of Sabah.

“Tan Sri Musa's arrest will not affect his eligibilit­y to act as Sabah's Chief Minister since he has not been convicted of any criminal charges. “Notwithsta­nding this, Tan Sri Musa is innocent and will vigorously defend against any and all charges put against him,” said Amer when asked by reporters.

“The charges are based on allegation­s made 10 to 14 years ago. Timing of charges smell of selective persecutio­n.

“As such, I hope that the High Court will not be prejudiced or influenced by the MACC's politicall­y convenient arrest of my client and he looks forward to vindicatin­g his good name soon.”

Amer said Musa has and will continue to extend his full cooperatio­n to the MACC and any other authoritie­s.

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