The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Terrorists using Internet a challenge to Asean – Mat Sabu


MELAKA: Terrorists who now use the Internet to conduct their activities present a major challenge to Asean countries, said Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.

Increasing­ly-rapid technologi­cal advancemen­ts, had created a borderless world, he said, and terrorists were using this medium to learn and create new terrorism tools.

“We have determined that terrorists are now using the Internet as a medium to learn how to make explosives, and previously, a woman has been arrested in Kuala Lumpur for making bombs from the Internet.

“So, all the Asean security forces must give attention to steps to tackle this threat of terrorism,” he told reporters after launching the Asean Chiefs of Army Multilater­al Meeting at Bandar Hilir here yesterday.

The 10-day programme which began on Nov 17 included the Asean Armies Rifle Meet (AARM) and the Asean Sergeant Major Annual Meeting (ASMAM) was attended by almost 600 participan­ts.

The ACAMM which has been held since 2000 was attended by Army Chiefs from 10 Asean nations – Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippine­s, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Mohamad said the meetings were not just to exchange informatio­n on trends in the respective countries, but was also a platform for the armies from Asean nations to discuss problems relating to national and regional security.

Meanwhile, Mohamad said, the report by the Governance, Procuremen­t and Finance Committee into several cases involving the ministry under the previous government, would be submitted in January next year.

“The report is not completed yet and will only be made public after the ministry receives the full report in January,” he said. - Bernama

 ??  ?? Mat Sabu (centre) capturing a moment with Asean army chiefs at the Asean Chiefs of Army Multilater­al Meeting at Bandar Hilir yesterday. - Bernama photo
Mat Sabu (centre) capturing a moment with Asean army chiefs at the Asean Chiefs of Army Multilater­al Meeting at Bandar Hilir yesterday. - Bernama photo

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