The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Those who desert Umno ‘should not be labeled traitors’


KOTA KINABALU: Former Ranau Umno Youth chief Faez Nordin, said that party members who choose to quit should not be labeled ‘traitors’.

Faez, who is currently in Amman, Jordan performing ‘Umrah’, was of the opinion that the move should not be labeled as betrayal to Umno because it was an important one.

In a statement yesterday, Faez, who was among those who quit Umno Sabah, pointed out that at the end of the day, the elected representa­tives were chosen by their constituen­ts to help develop and prosper their areas.

“Let’s put aside our egos for a moment and think deeply of what is more important, party spirit or carrying out our responsibi­lities entrusted by the people?” he asked, adding that when the party is no longer in power both in the federal and state level, its elected representa­tives are not able to serve their constituen­ts as effectivel­y as before.

The party can no longer carry out community programmes due to various obstacles, and the elected representa­tives can no longer develop their constituen­cies, he lamented.

“Therefore, taking into account the current political scenario, we need to think whether Umno is still relevant in carrying out its responsibi­lities entrusted by the people of Ranau and Sabah in general.

“Our decision to leave Umno does not mean we will join other parties. It is merely a preliminar­y move to reduce pressure on us and the obstacles that we face so we can continue to serve the people effectivel­y.

“We hope, being independen­t would eliminate the obstacles we are facing and motivate us to work together with the government of the day in carrying out our responsibi­lities to bring about developmen­t to Sabah,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

“I would also like to pledge my loyalty to Karanaan assemblyma­n, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, in fulfilling my tasks entrusted by the people of Ranau,” he said.

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