The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Proof of existence of syndicates – SAPP


KOTA KINABALU: The arrest of three men, including a National Registrati­on Department (NRD) officer in Semporna recently further cemented the public perception of the existence of syndicates offering MyKads and birth certificat­es through the back door in Sabah, said Sabah Progressiv­e Party (SAPP) deputy president Edward Dagul.

He said this called for a strong political will to implement the Sabah IC, a proposal that Gabungan Sabah (GS) had continued to raise, as evidenced by the GS Manifesto during the 14th general election.

“We had been consistent with the proposal as the way to resolve the problem.

“However, the present government has not made its stand clear on the matter.

“They are not being tough against those who had been involved in the distributi­on of dubious and fake identifica­tion papers, as well as illegal immigrants,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Two days ago, Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the incident proved the existence of syndicates behind the illicit operation and believed the recent arrest was just the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile, Sabah Bersatu Armada deputy chief Caesar Mandela said those who are behind the issuance of fake or dubious ICs were committing treason.

“Thus, even if the current administra­tion were to issue Sabah ICs now, the predominan­t existing fears that the issuance will be undermined still needs to be addressed.

At the very least, the recommenda­tions of the RCI on the illegal immigrants should be complied with,” Edward concluded.

 ??  ?? Yong (third left) presenting the invitation letter to Goh while from left, Ng, Tang and Kwan look on.
Yong (third left) presenting the invitation letter to Goh while from left, Ng, Tang and Kwan look on.

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