The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Industry guidance touts untested tech as climate fix

- By Patrick Galey

PARIS: Draft guidelines for how industry fights climate change promote the widespread use of untested technologi­es that experts fear could undermine efforts to slash planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, AFP can reveal.

The guidance appears to encourage high-polluting sectors to take the cheapest route towards limiting global warming, potentiall­y decoupling emissions cuts from the temperatur­e goals outlined in the Paris climate agreement.

The Internatio­nal Organizati­on for Standardiz­ation (ISO), a global industry-driven non-profit group comprising more than 160 member states, has produced new draft guidance on climate action for businesses.

Rather than measuring climate action by the yardstick of emissions reduction, the draft, seen by AFP, concentrat­es on managing “radiative forcing”, which is the amount of excess energy trapped in Earth’s atmosphere.

Specifical­ly, it looks at techniques for manipulati­ng the climate through largescale geoenginee­ring, notably one called Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

SRM entails injecting heatdeflec­ting aerosols directly into Earth’s stratosphe­re to bounce more of the Sun’s heat back into space.

Studies have shown that SRM could be extremely effective — and relatively inexpensiv­e — in stemming rising temperatur­es.

But there are fears that tinkering with Earth’s atmosphere could unleash a tide of unintended consequenc­es, potentiall­y destabilis­ing global weather patterns and underminin­g food security.

“There is a really profound risk when you take something as untested, controvers­ial, politicall­y volatile and morally risky as geoenginee­ring and you make it the subject of industry-driven, market-oriented standards,” said Carroll Muffett, president of the Centre for Internatio­nal Environmen­tal Law.

“What is so significan­t about this process is that the ISO is a global standard-setting body. Companies tout their ISO compliance as a demonstrat­ion of the validity of what they are doing,” he told AFP.

An ISO spokeswoma­n confirmed the validity of the draft guidance but said it was subject to significan­t further debate and modificati­on.

An ISO working group will meet next week in Berkeley, California, to discuss the draft and will proceed with it only “if there is consensus”, she told AFP.

‘Substantia­l risks’

The 2015 Paris climate deal commits government­s to capping temperatur­e rises to “well below” two degrees Celsius (3.6 Farenheit) above pre-industrial levels in order to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.

The accord strives to stay within a safer limit of 1.5C of warming.

To do so, the United Nations Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change says mankind must eventually reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero, the safest route to this being a rapid, sweeping drawdown in coal, gas and oil burned for energy.

The IPCC, in its landmark 1.5C report last October, decided against including SRM in its climate models, which project several pathways towards net zero.

It said that while SRM could be “theoretica­lly effective” it comes with “large uncertaint­ies and knowledge gaps as well as substantia­l risks” to society.

In March, discussion­s at the United Nations Environmen­t Assembly in Nairobi were held up over a dispute centred on the future governance of geoenginee­ring schemes such as SRM.

Sources close to the talks told AFP at the time that the US and Saudi delegation­s voiced “fierce opposition” to even the mention of internatio­nal oversight.

“Our interpreta­tion is that they want to avoid further regulation, governance, oversight over these technologi­es and it’s definitely in the interest of the fossil fuel industry,” said Linda Schneider, senior programme officer at the Heinrich Boll Institute.

Trade organisati­ons funded by oil and gas majors have for several years advocated SRM, including the influentia­l American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

One AEI policy paper from 2013 concluded: “The incentives for using SRM appear to be stronger than those for (greenhouse gas) control.”

AEI did not respond to an AFP request for comment.

Muffett said that geoenginee­ring, and SRM in particular, was preferred by big polluters as it could “allow business as usual to continue in the near term to take slower action to reduce emissions.”

Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative and a former UN deputy secretary general for climate change, agreed that the ISO stance on geoenginee­ring could distract from vital emissions cuts.

“Government­s, corporatio­ns, regions, and cities might wish to continue with the fossil fuel emissions economy because there is another technology now that maybe can give us a solar shield to cool the planet,” he told AFP.


The October 2018 IPCC 1.5C report made it clear that even drastic cuts in carbon pollution may not be enough to stop potentiall­y dangerous temperatur­e rises.

Its 1,200-page assessment allowed for a climate crisis “Plan B” in the form of bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technology, which would require planting millions of square kilometres in biofuel crops and then drawing off the CO2 produced when they are burned to generate energy.

By contrast, SRM lowers temperatur­es but does nothing to remove greenhouse gases.

Its proponents say it has the potential to buy Earth time to retool its economy away from fossil fuels.

Jessica Strefler, from the carbon management team at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said the technology already exists to implement largescale SRM.

Computer modelling of the effect of injecting tonnes of sulphate particles into the stratosphe­re suggest that as few as 200 planeloads of aerosol a year could halt global warming.

SRM has another obvious advantage: cost.

Strefler said the geoenginee­ring tech would cost “at least one order of magnitude” less than emissions cuts.

“It’s dangerousl­y cheap,” added Pasztor. “Peanuts.”

The draft ISO guidelines urges companies to prioritise “cost-effective” approaches to managing temperatur­e rises, something campaigner­s fear will push firms further towards SRM.

Yet SRM, even if successful­ly deployed to maintain surface temperatur­es, will do nothing to offset the other effects of global warming, including acidifying oceans and crop damage.

For Strefler, the main argument against the technology is how it is governed.

“There’s not really a limit to how much we could do. So then who decides which temperatur­e is most desirable? Do we limit them to 1.5C? Do we want to go down to 1C, or to pre-industrial temperatur­es?” she said.

“Who decides that?” she added. “There’s a huge internatio­nal conflict potential.”

Industry influence

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chance (UNFCCC), the main internatio­nal, government­led climate process, measures each nation’s contributi­on towards fighting global warming in terms of emissions cuts.

But the ISO appears to propose a news standard altogether, in which progress is defined by “management” of radiative forcing to fix the climate to an undefined temperatur­e.

It also defines the Paris temperatur­e goals as “problemati­c”.

The ISO itself says “industry experts drive all aspects” of the guidance developmen­t process, something Muffett said was cause for concern given that industry, including oil and gas majors, often advocate self-regulation when it comes to greening their business models.

“Here you see geoenginee­ring pushed as a solution through precisely the sort of voluntary approach that industry has long advocated,” he said.

While ISO guidelines are voluntary and advisory, they help to shape global internatio­nal business norms.

“You have a wide array of the world’s most damaging companies from an environmen­tal perspectiv­e who can point very proudly to their ISO certificat­ion. It’s a body that is by design heavily industry-influenced,” said Muffett.

Pasztor said governance of geoenginee­ring technology, because of its global ramificati­ons, “cannot be left to a subset of actors”.

“When it comes to tough decisions that have large impacts — large-scale land use for carbon capture, but the most obvious is SRM — they need engagement from different government­s,” he said.

“When you look at the ISO process, that’s much more limited and that’s not right because most of the impacts, good or bad, will be on developing and vulnerable countries that are not part of that process.” — AFP

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