The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Sabah engineers donate medical aids to China


KOTA KINABALU: Three Sabah engineerin­g organisati­ons made a courtesy call to the office of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Kota Kinabalu.

The delegation of eight engineers representi­ng Sabah Engineers Associatio­n (SEA), The Institutio­n of Engineers Malaysia (Sabah branch) and Associatio­n of Consulting

Engineers Malaysia (Sabah branch) was received by Consul General, Liang Caide.

The president and chairmen of the engineerin­g associatio­ns voiced their concern on the Covid-19 predicamen­t experience­d by the people of Wuhan, the nearby cities and provinces.

Words of encouragem­ents were exchanged with the engineerin­g organisati­ons looking forward to the fast recovery of the overall China.

As part of the organisati­ons' CSR programme, 16 boxes of medical aids consisting of latex gloves, disinfecta­nt wipes, clinical thermomete­rs and face masks were donated.

This is the organisati­ons' first CSR effort outside of Sabah, which is on top of their regular efforts benefiting the local public.

 ??  ?? Liang Caide (fifth from right) receiving the donation from the engineers.
Liang Caide (fifth from right) receiving the donation from the engineers.

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