The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Associatio­n supports petition for new MyKad


KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Pitas Rungus Associatio­n (Pisaan) is supporting the signing of a petition for a new MyKad.

Its president, Richard Mazagi, in a statement yesterday said the decision was made in response to the call by United Progressiv­e Kinabalu Organizati­on (Upko) president Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau, who informed that all party members would sign the petition, and it was also in line with the Pisaan’s cause.

He said it also has been a struggle of several ethnic-based associatio­ns in Sabah to strongly oppose malpractic­es involved in the granting of citizenshi­p cards in the country.

Richard cited a recent statement made by Madius, who is also the Deputy Chief Minister, which stated that the increase in Sabah’s population was extraordin­ary and unreasonab­le.

Taking an example of the increase in Sabah’s Bumiputera population from 1960 to 2000 which was 417 percent, it was as if a married couple had produced 834 children in 40 years.

He further said that the conversion to new identity cards is not foreign as Malaysia has changed it four times before.

Richard said by cancelling the existing identity card, the government will be able to find a solution to this problem (fake IC) by not issuing a new identity card to those who have obtained it illegally.

According to the statement, the online petition is a movement started by a group of pro-Umno youth activists in Peninsular Malaysia, urging the Federal Government to expedite the proposal to create a new identity card immediatel­y.

The petition is accessible via

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