The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Stop Gout Pain Today!


WHEN describing gout pain, words such as ‘excruciati­ng’, ‘intense’ and ‘agonising’ come to mind. This is no surprise as a gout attack can suddenly strike causing intense pain and swelling in your joints. Although gout pain typically targets the big toe, it does attack other parts of your body including the ankle, knee, elbow, finger and foot. During a gout attack, the affected joint becomes extremely tender, so much so that even the slightest feather-light touch hurts terribly.

Gout Is A Heavy Burden

Gout is a type of arthritis which gives rise to intensely painful, sudden inflammati­on attacks. It occurs when the uric acid levels in your blood are abnormally high. Uric acid is a waste product resulting from the overconsum­ption of foods and beverages rich in purine such as alcohol, shellfish and organ meats. As uric acid begins building up, it crystallis­es and deposits at the tissues and joints giving rise to the telltale gout pain.

Gout pain is normally characteri­sed by symptoms like:

● A swollen, sensitive big toe

● Inflamed, red, warm and painful joints

● Oversensit­ivity and tenderness

● Limited range of movement M Lingering discomfort lasting between several days to a few weeks.

A gout attack can occur out of the blue, often causing you to jolt awake in the middle of the night with the feeling that your affected joint is on fire. The joint feels so hot and swollen that even the weight of your blanket can feel torturous.

Gout pain is most severe within the first 4-12 hours after its first occurrence. Those suffering with gout are under a tremendous burden as this medical condition negatively affects their quality of life. Simple dayto-day activities such as exercising, doing household chores or driving become extremely strenuous.

Bid ‘Goodbye’ To Gout Pain With CLEAROGOUT

If you have been struggling with excruciati­ng gout pain all this while, you need not suffer anymore. Introducin­g CLEAROGOUT, the uric acid neutralise­r solution to all your gout problems. CLEAROGOUT helps relieve painful gout symptoms by breaking up the crystallis­ed uric acid deposits in the joints. So, whether you have abnormally high uric acid levels, tend to eat lots of highpurine foods or suffer from gout pain, start taking CLEAROGOUT today! It works! It is available at all leading chain and independen­t pharmacies nationwide.

For prevention of uric acid crystallis­ation, take 2 sachets, twice daily whereas for an adjunct treatment during gout attacks, take 2 sachets for 4 times daily. When taken daily, CLEAROGOUT has been proven effective to aid in:

● Lowering your uric acid levels

● Preventing the build-up of uric acid crystals

● Protecting you from intensely painful gout attacks

Rest assured, CLEAROGOUT is suitable and safe for all as it does not contain any sugar or artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame etc.

For more info on CLEAROGOUT, please call Live-well INFOline at M3-6142 65TM (jonday – Friday, 9am – 5pmF or email us at info@

This is a medicine product advertisem­ent. MAL 20172747XC KKLIU 2452/2020 TTT: 31 Dec 2022

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