The Borneo Post (Sabah)

MYHackatho­n: Six winning digital solutions announced


KOTA KINABALU: MYHackatho­n 2020 nationwide tour ended with a bang at the Kota Kinabalu round that saw six digital solutions crowned as winners for simplifyin­g and streamlini­ng selected government services to enhance national productivi­ty.

These from Malaysians-forMalaysi­a solutions are set to benefit job seekers, workforce, SMEs, agricultur­e industry, and manufactur­ing industry, where the top three winning solutions are slated to be deployed in 2021.

The winners were announced by Azman Hood, Vice President Stakeholde­rs Engagement of Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (Cradle at the Final Pitch & Winners Announceme­nt Day held virtually through Cradle’s Facebook Page @cradlefund­sb.

Under the SPRINT category, the winners were Yee Li Yan with Kejar Kerja, Hoh Jia Da with Hirelah and Toh Sirn Loongwith myGAP.

The winners of the MARATHON category who will be collaborat­ing with selected ministries and agencies were Ng Kok Kwan with eLancar, Lizawati @ Rosclarith­aMaidom with CoreHalal, and Matthew Johnny Kulai with Agridata.

Set to be game-changers in their respective fields, the winning digital solutions would provide aid to those whose source of income impacted by Covid-19.

“Kota Kinabalu is the final location for MYHackatho­n 2020. It has been an honour for Cradle to be leading this programme under Mosti (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) together with the strategic and implementi­ng partners to find solutions for the people’s everyday problems, drive the nation’s STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) movement, and enrich the technopren­eurs’ ecosystem.

“Today we saw 20 teams from all over the country pitched it out online to address problem statements that are related to job seekers’ assessment and gap analysis, halal manager and auditor certificat­ion, analysing training programmes that match the needs of the industry, and Big Data to forecast supply and demand for the agricultur­e sector. We are confident that when adopted, these digital solutions would be game-changers in enhancing national productivi­ty, as they also aim to assist those among us whose source of income is af ected by Covid-19,” said Rafiza Ghazali, Group Chief Executive Officer of Cradle.

As incentives, the winners under the MARATHON category would each receive a conditiona­l grant of RM250,000 for Pilot Deployment for the next 12 months, working together with related ministries and agencies.

Under the SPRINT category, the first, second, and third winners will each receive cash prizes of RM10,000, RM7,500 and RM5,000 respective­ly and other non-monetary exciting prizes.

MYHackatho­n 2020 was opened for all innovators, software engineers, subject matter experts, as well as concerned Malaysians to participat­e. An initiative of the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) under Mosti, it has six rounds driven by specific themes and matching sets of problem statements respective­ly to ensure the widest variety and number of problem statements for maximum value.

Led by Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (Cradle) as the main secretaria­t, it is supported by Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC), Malaysian Administra­tive Modernisat­ion & Management Planning Unit (MAMPU),

UniMAKER, and Unifi, a company under Telekom Malaysia, as well as Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre as the local partner for Sabah round.

Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre is an innovation centre that aims to produce globally competent talents by bringing people, ideas, and resources together to enc our a gen entreprene­urs to build successful, innovative and sustainabl­e business across all industries.

They work closely with grassroots communitie­s, startups, venture firms, universiti­es and research institutes, providing them with assistance from legal aspects as well as finding investors to market their products across the globe.

To know more about MYHackatho­n 2020, visit https://myhackatho­

 ??  ?? Ng Kok Kwan
Ng Kok Kwan
 ??  ?? Lizawati @ Rosclarith­a Maidom
Lizawati @ Rosclarith­a Maidom
 ??  ?? Matthew Johnny Kulai
Matthew Johnny Kulai

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