The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Peninsula teachers returning to Sarawak laud state govt’s Covid-19 measures


MIRI: Teachers from Peninsular Malaysia returning to Sarawak for the 2021 school session, which starts on Jan 20, have praised the state government for its approach in combating Covid-19.

Suraya Harun, 35 from Terengganu, said the state government had placed them under a 10-day quarantine in a hotel here immediatel­y upon their arrival two days ago.

“Honestly, I’m thankful to the effort and services rendered by the Sarawak government to teachers from Peninsular Malaysia. We are quarantine­d in a comfortabl­e hotel and the cost is fully borne by the Sarawak government,” she said when contacted yesterday.

The teacher at a school in Taman Tunku added that this was the first time she was quarantine­d in a hotel instead of her own house.

“We are still under 10-day quarantine and we will undergo several more health check-ups. If our test is negative, we will be allowed to return to our own house (here) and continue another four days’ quarantine there,” she said.

Suraya who has been teaching in Sarawak for nine years and can speak Bahasa Sarawak fluently said she did not feel inconvenie­nced by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to enter Sarawak.

“We understand the intention of the Sarawak government in imposing these strict regulation­s on Peninsular Malaysians entering Sarawak, to prevent the further spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“As teachers, we are thankful that the government of Sarawak is paying for the cost of our quarantine, and this indirectly also lessens our burden as educators,” she said.

Relating her experience when arriving at Miri Airport, Suraya said they were escorted by the police as well as other enforcemen­t agencies to their quarantine hotel.

“We can clearly see on the faces of the frontliner­s that they were exhausted, but that did not stop them from giving friendly services to us teachers who are undergoing quarantine,” she recalled.

According to her, the Covid-19 situation in Sarawak was very much different from Peninsular Malaysia where health facilities like hospitals as well as transporta­tion and other facilities were limited.

“Imagine if Covid-19 is active in the rural areas, it would be a burden for rural folk as hospitals are limited, plus the high cost of logistics.

“Because of this, we teachers follow strictly whatever SOPs set by the Sarawak government in curbing the spread of Covid-19,” she stressed.

Another teacher from Shah Alam, Selangor, who arrived in Miri four days ago shared similar view with Suraya.

Devasara N Vasudevan, 55, has been teaching in a secondary school here the last eight and a half years.

“I have the utmost respect and admiration to SDMC (State Disaster Management Committee), Ministry of Health) Rela, police, airport staff and (quarantine) hotel management for their untiring effort in ensuring a smooth flow in welcoming us back to Miri..

“Firstly, although my ticket to fly back was changed at the eleventh hour, my applicatio­n to enter Sarawak was approved and going back into Sarawak was a breeze,” said Devasara.

According to her, she rarely traveled alone because she always had the jitters of missing announceme­nts or worse, missing her flights, which had happened in the past.

“But this time, once I touched down in Miri, we were all guided well and the officers were all extremely polite and I love the smile on their faces. One KKM officer even asked if the gentleman who flew in the day before, was my son as he had mentioned his mother teaching in SMK St Columba. That’s how meticulous they are in executing their duties.

“Although my request to be quarantine­d together with my son was turned down, I understood the rationale behind it as the officer, Ariffin, took the trouble to explain it.

“From there, getting my passport stamped and after taking my luggage I was brought to Rela officers and my PPD (Education Department) officers. After getting my ‘bracelet’, it was so reassuring to see familiar faces among my PPD officers who were so nice to receive me and assured me that we are in the best hands .

Devasara said the whole procedure took some time and she reminded future batches coming into Sarawak to remember to eat something beforehand or to clear their bladder before going through it.

“This is necessary as correct documentat­ion is important. As I am a teacher, I must say that I am more than grateful for the exemption given for the cost of the accommodat­ion plus the swab test.

“For the record, I must also extend my appreciati­on to a Rela officer who assisted me with my three big luggage to my room.

“In my room, I noticed that the bathroom sink was clogged and the TV was not in good order. I called the room service and I was immediatel­y transferre­d to another room that has a view of the town and the sea,” she said.

She added that their three daily meals are always on time and even her request for extra towels and tissues were always granted with a smile from a distance as observatio­n of SOP is strictly carried out at the hotel.

“It’s my fourth day here (in quarantine) and another 10 days to go. Only my son and I are residing in Miri now. My son is doing his third year Mechanical Engineerin­g in UM (Universiti Malaya) and since it’s online classes he stays with me here in Miri,” she added.

Devasara said her whole family were all residing in Miri previously but her daughter had left to do her chambering in Kuala Lumpur and her husband left to take up his new posting in Kuala Lumpur.

“If the power is within me, I would really like to teach here till I retire but as a dutiful wife to my husband and a daughter to my mom, I have to go back to Selangor. My transfer order is out and becomes effective in April,” said the mother of two.

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