The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Politickin­g should be a low priority while battling Covid-19 – minister


BINTULU: Politickin­g should take a backseat during this battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, said Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip.

He called for the government of the day and opposition to work hand in hand during this Emergency period over the next few months.

“Perhaps the proclamati­on should be seen in perspectiv­e, with the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the incessant political instabilit­y that we have experience­d,” he said yesterday when commenting on the state of Emergency.

Talib pointed out the proclamati­on is nothing resembling a dictatorsh­ip as some have alleged.

“We have seen how the recent state election in Sabah resulted in the spike of Covid-19 infections. Subsequent­ly two by-elections to fill the vacant seats in Sabah and Perak, owing to the death of the incumbents, were not held based on the order of the Election Commission.

“So the proclamati­on in a way is to stop any election, be it state or federal, within the stipulated period of the Emergency. Hopefully this would dampen the excessive politickin­g that might lead to the collapse of the current government and necessitat­e a general election,” he said, stressing that elections should be avoided during the pandemic.

Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Tanjung Batu chairman Johnny Pang urged all Malaysians, especially politician­s, to stop politickin­g and just cooperate to combat and control the transmissi­on of the virus.

“It is not the time for fingerpoin­ting at each other but to combat the pandemic hand in hand.

“The virus does not choose – anyone can be infected. Please distance yourself from each other, wash your hands frequently, and abide by the standard operating procedures,” he said.

Pang said the government can take strict action during the state of Emergency against those who try to disrupt the efforts to handle the pandemic, such as travellers ignoring quarantine orders.

For businessma­n Datuk Abdul Kadier Sahib, the Emergency proclamati­on is a good move to protect the people in general from Covid-19 infection.

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