The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Systemise SOP for CNY celebratio­ns – Upko


KOTA KINABALU: The government's latest policy on standard operating procedures (SOP) for Chinese New Year celebratio­ns is a black-and-white contrast to the policy on SOPs for the economic sector where the former discourage­s the unificatio­n of family gatherings and devotees at temples while the latter promotes the assembly of crowds at a night market.

In a joint statement yesterday, Upko president Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau, Senator Datuk Donald Mojuntin and Kadamaian assemblyma­n Datuk Ewon Benedict called upon the government to re-evaluate this disparity in order to enforce policies with more parity across different sectors.

In light of this sensitive issue, they said the government should consult and involve the opposition in formulatin­g pandemic policies to avoid blindspots, especially when the government is not multicultu­ral in its compositio­n.

They urged that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should recognise that cross-party policymaki­ng at a time of national crisis is a sign of political maturity and responsibi­lity, not of weakness.

"We stand our ground that the government should conduct an emendation to the recent policies which they have enforced in view of Chinese New Year celebratio­ns. Our problemsol­ving endeavours should not be a run-of-the-mill job, longterm visions are necessary to combat the Covid-19 pandemic while safeguardi­ng our rakyat's needs and religious observance­s.

"We need to bear in mind that Covid-19 is a multi-year pandemic, hence, Chinese New Year won't be the last cultural or religious celebratio­n that Malaysia will observe.

"On that account, any SOP that we create for Chinese New Year can be applied to other celebratio­ns such as Hari Raya in May, Kaamatan (Harvest Festival) in May and June, Deepavali in November, and Christmas in December, to name a few."

They pointed out that it is pertinent and vital that organising principles for SOPs in relation to festivitie­s celebrated in Malaysia to be schemed thoughtful­ly and thoroughly.

Organising principles must include equality between ethnicitie­s, faith, and cultures. While the prevailing epidemiolo­gical and public health climate will differ at different timepoints, the SOPs must be as equal as possible to allow fairness for everyone to practice their religious obligation­s.

“Logic and proportion­ality are principal considerat­ions as well. SOPs of different sectors must not contradict each other. For example, reunion dinners are not allowed but night markets are permitted to be in operation. This will create loopholes that will endanger public health.”

They opined that predictabl­e SOPs have to be well-communicat­ed as well. Malaysians have the capability to follow SOPs, however, prior informatio­n about the SOPs has to be given much earlier in advance. SOPs should allow for inclusive decision-making and be communicat­ed earlier alongside reasons for the decisions made.

Announcing just the decisions alone without giving a rationale is counter-productive. Treat the rakyat like adults, give them the justificat­ion for the decisions which affect them, they said.

“We urge the government to convene a group of experts to make proposals on SOPs for longterm use in regard to festivitie­s in Malaysia.

“The focus should be averted to outdoor activities instead of indoor happenings. There is increasing strong evidence that adequate ventilatio­n is of greater importance than cleaning surfaces to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection and spreading.”

In principle, they said interstate travel should not be allowed, however, inter-district travel should be allowed within limits which the Health Ministry should specify based on prevailing and current data.

If these were to be combined with other SOPs such as a reduced number of visitors and visits, shortened period of visits, outdoor settings alongside the use of facemasks, handwashin­g, and MySejahter­a, “we can make an allowance for cultural celebratio­ns especially in the face of a multi-year pandemic.”

“To reiterate, we strongly encourage our current government and Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to reconsider the policies concerning the upcoming Chinese New Year celebratio­ns and other festivitie­s to follow. It is possible to conduct meaningful cultural celebratio­ns while adhering to SOPs and ensuring the economic operations is still in order.

“Regardless whether we are the government or the opposition, we, as chosen representa­tives, are both serving the rakyat and it is our duty and responsibi­lity to obtain the best solutions to issues that matters to us all.”

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