The Borneo Post (Sabah)

KTS online talk gives tips on stress management


KUCHING: Everyone experience­s some degree of stress at home or at work at one time or another so it is imperative that stress is managed.

According to Synergy Training Services PLT principal consultant and HRDCorp-certified trainer Richard Albert Gontusan, a vast majority of health problems are caused by stress.

“It is very important to understand how stress affects one’s body and learn effective stress management techniques that work for you rather than against you.

“When stressed, a person feels restless, frustrated, depressed, overwhelme­d, have difficulty relaxing, sleeping, calming down, experience loss of selfesteem, wants to hide, feel lonely, worthless and avoid people,” he said in a virtual talk on ‘Managing Stress At Work’ from his office in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah yesterday.

Richard said to avoid stress, one must first know its causes.

“Causes of stress include deadlines and targets at work, financial problems, relationsh­ip problems, changes in work or life, inability to control situations, being overwhelme­d with responsibi­lities, not having enough work or activity or some people just worry over anything.”

He went on to say there are good/positive stress such as feeling happy due to promotion, new job, marriage, new house, a child, new business, boyfriend/ girlfriend.

He recommende­d activities that produce good hormones to reduce anxiety and excitement but build love and trust to counter stress.

“One need to exercise, relax body muscles, take deep long breaths, eat well and healthy, slow down activities at office and rest one’s mind once in a while.

“Take time for hobbies and talk to someone about your problems. Spend time with family and friends, listen to soothing music in office or car during traffic jam,” he advised.

According to Richard, there is no eliminatin­g stress but only control and reduce by going to the source.

He gave the example of servicing cars regularly instead of waiting for them to break down to reduce stress. To reduce work stress, try improving job skills, knowledge, and communicat­ion skills. Avoid procrastin­ation and office politics, he added.

Counting one’s blessings and planning ahead to avoid traffic jams or long queues would help reduce daily stress.

“Get up earlier to avoid traffic jam. Go to airports an hour earlier and use the time to do beneficial things. Learn new apps to complete tasks faster”

He also suggested gardening as it is therapeuti­c and could even be a source of side income. Besides the colour green helps reduce stress.

Other tips to reduce stress are to live a simple life, exercise regularly, rest, sleep and eat healthily.

“Complain less, always smile and give. Avoid envy and jealousy. Forget and avoid hostility,” he advised.

‘Managing Stress At Work’, the first of 13 talks lined up for KTS 60th Anniversar­y, commenced yesterday and will end in September. It was attended by 300 staff.

 ?? ?? Richard Albert Gontusan
Richard Albert Gontusan

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