The Borneo Post

Dr Tiki out of line as independen­t, says Rundi


MIRI: Former Mas Gading MP Datuk Dr Tiki Lafe has been taken to task for not accepting the BN top leaders’ decision to drop him and be replaced with Anthony Nogeh Gumbek from Sarawak Progressiv­e Democratic Party (SPDP) for the polls.

State BN secretary- general Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi made a firm stand when he reiterated that Tiki did not represent BN by standing as an independen­t candidate in the 13th General Election.

“Tiki does not represent BN... we consider him as opposition. As BN member, he must support the BN candidate, so in the fi rst place, it does not augur well why he should stand as an independen­t,” he told The Borneo Post after closing the State Level Youth Camp for Miri/Bintulu Division at Niah National Park on Sunday.

Rundi, who is also Assistant Minister of Youth Developmen­t (Rural) and Kemena assemblyma­n, said the state BN would ensure that its candidate Nogeh gets the full support he needs to win in Mas Gading in the GE13.

He added that the Mas Gading seat has been a hot issue during the state legislativ­e assembly sitting till now.

“This is not because we cannot win Mas Gading, as the seat to us is a white area. Problems arise when there is a so- called BNfriendly group of SPDP.

“I’ve discussed with the chief minister on this matter in order to give understand­ing and mutual respect to a component party. Thus, we have to support our candidate.”

Dr Tiki was the three-term MP for Mas Gading since 1999 and he was sacked from SPDP last year for insubordin­ation.

Commenting on the election situation in general, he said this year’s election saw more candidates contesting under independen­t tickets despite there being the major parties of BN and PR.

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