The Borneo Post

Philippine­s asks UN to protect abducted peacekeepe­rs


MANILA: The Philippine­s yesterday called on the United Nations Security Council to ensure the safety of peacekeepe­rs in the Golan Heights, following the second abduction of Filipino forces in two months.

Syrian rebels on Tuesday seized four Filipinos serving in the UN peacekeepi­ng contingent in the tense ceasefire zone between Syria and Israel.

“The Philippine­s underscore­s that the apprehensi­on and illegal detention of peacekeepe­rs are gross violations of internatio­nal law,” the Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

“The Philippine­s calls on the Security Council to exert all efforts and use its influence for the early and safe release of the Filipino peacekeepe­rs, and ensure that the freedom of movement and safety and security of peacekeepe­rs in all UN peacekeepi­ng missions are observed.” The United Nations is still trying to contact and negotiate with the kidnappers, the statement said, but warned there was “heavy fighting” in the area.

Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario met with UN undersecre­tary- general for peacekeepi­ng operations Herve Ladsous late Tuesday to coordinate efforts to free the four, according to the statement.

It gave no details on the condition of the four, who were seized by an armed group while on patrol.

While the UN did not identify the kidnappers, the “‘ Yarmuk Martyrs Brigade’ rebel group said in a Facebook posting it had taken the peacekeepe­rs for their own safety because of fierce fighting in the area. — AFP

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