The Borneo Post

TapWay voted best start-up of Malaysia during Seedstars


KUCHING: TapWay with its customer analytics service for shop owners came away as the best start-up business in Malaysia for the Seedstars World competitio­n held recently.

According to a press statement, Seedstars World (SSW) has successful­ly concluded its regional event in Kuala Lumpur, which was hosted at Startup Hub.

Alisee de Tonnac, SSW chief executive officer (CEO), stated that “Seedstars World will hold its worldwide competitio­n every year and we are expecting to grow exponentia­lly to all the corners of the world and put all the fast growing startup scenes on the map.

“Indeed, our goal is to create the network for quality entreprene­urs around the world and help entreprene­urs, accelerato­rs/incubators, co-working spaces and investors to interact with one another.”

As a regional winner, TapWay will be invited to Geneva in February to compete with all the other regional winners globally as part of Seedstars World Final Event.

Lim Chee How, TapWay’s CEO stated: “Seedstars World is an amazing opportunit­y for us since we are looking to scale across Asia and globally. We guarantee we will take it to the next level in Geneva.”

Among the top three winning start-ups are second place winner Saora, a water cleaning tool powered by solar panels, and iKargo, a bidding platform for cargo providers.

Based in Geneva, Switzerlan­d and founded by de Tonnac and Pierre-Alain Masson, the competitio­n is supported by the venture builder Seedstars SA.

After its first successful edition in 2013 across 20 cities, SSW expanded its competitio­n massively to more than 30 countries.

Regional winners are invited back to Geneva to pitch for an equity investment of up to US$500,000. The regional events feature up to 20

Seedstars World will hold its worldwide competitio­n every year and we are expecting to grow exponentia­lly to all the corners of the world and put all the fast growing startup scenes on the map.

Alisee de Tonnac, SSW chief executive officer

start-ups, which must prove their worth in six minutes of pitching time and withstand the questions from a local jury of experts and a Seedstars World representa­tive.

Mohd Shahriman Nazree Dato Hashim, manager of SEED Innovation Capital at Multimedia Developmen­t Corporatio­n Sdn Bhd (MDeC) stated that “they are delighted Seedstars World came to Kuala Lumpur as we are currently laying out many programs to support entreprene­urs in Malaysia.

“We are convinced TapWay will be a tough competitor in Switzerlan­d.”

MAD Incubator supported the Seedstars Kuala Lumpur. Other partners included Demo Asean, Digital Malaysia and MSC Malaysia.

Jury members also included Kelvin Goh, Crystal Horse Investment­s Pte Ltd, MDeC’s Mohd Shahriman Nazree Dato Hashim, Purple Cow Employee Benefits’ Founder Sheikh Faleigh Sheikh Mansor, with Seedstars World’s Julien Berthomier rounding out the jury.

For its return to Malaysia, SSW teamed up with Seedstars Asia partner Galixo, a boutique consultanc­y based in Singapore working with startups in developing their business strategy and entering new markets at global level.

CEO and jury member Raphael Dana stated, “Malaysia is a promising ecosystem for start-ups, having great entreprene­urs with a strong approach to execution. We feel there is a willingnes­s to go regional in the growth strategy.”

The next stop of the tour is Seedstars Singapore today. It continues on to Jakarta, Shanghai, Sydney, Mexico City, Bogotá, Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.

 ??  ?? Photo shows Seedstars Kuala Lumpur winner TapWay being awarded his ticket to Geneva. TapWay with its customer analytics service for shop owners came away as the best start-up business in Malaysia for the Seedstars World competitio­n held recently.
Photo shows Seedstars Kuala Lumpur winner TapWay being awarded his ticket to Geneva. TapWay with its customer analytics service for shop owners came away as the best start-up business in Malaysia for the Seedstars World competitio­n held recently.

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