The Borneo Post



(From left) Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman Datuk Tiong Thai King carries a gunny sack in front of a street art installati­on in Sibu. Joining him are SMC deputy chairman Datuk Andrew Wong and SMC secretary Hii Chang Kee.

SIBU: A street art project is among the many activities in the pipeline for the Visit Sibu Year ( VSY) 2016, according to Sibu Municipal Council ( SMC) chairman Datuk Tiong Thai King.

He said a wall painting depicting a dock coolie carrying a gunny sack had been done recently under the sponsorshi­p of KTS Group, Jotun Malaysia and Apple Advertisin­g.

“Our street art project is undertaken by the Sibu Street Art Gallery Committee formed recently.”

He said to promote VSY 2016, the committee would focus on three different phases including historical elements study, local authentic delicacies and multiracia­l, cultural aspect throughout Sibu.

“SMC is going to have more such paintings soon at various places we have identified.

“Now we are negotiatin­g with premises owners. If they agree, we will start doing the paintings,” he told reporters when launching the street art project yesterday.

Tiong believed the project would attract more tourists to Sibu other than evoke feelings of homesickne­ss for those from Sibu working or living abroad.

He said the painting at Khoo Peng Loong Road reflects the early days of Sibu during the 1950s and 1960s when the wharves there were strategic transit points.

Meanwhile, KTS Group deputy managing director Temenggong Vincent Lau hoped local people would cooperate and contribute ideas to ensure the success of the project.

He said the project would brighten up the whole town, and if done properly and successful­ly it would become tourist attraction­s.

“As far as Sibu is concerned, we are trying to make Sibu a cultural city and an education hub.

“I think this is one stage where Sibu is moving forward to achieving the city status.

Sibu needs to catch up and work very hard for the purpose which I think is the wish of everyone.

“I hope we can see more of this kind of art in Sibu.

I also hope people will not vandalise them because they are for the people to enjoy,” he said.

Among others present were SMC deputy chairman Dato Andrew Wong, council secretary Hii Chang Kee, Social and Community Developmen­t standing committee chairman Sempurai Petrus Ngelai and councillor Wong Hie Ping.

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 ??  ?? (From right) Sempurai, Hie Ping, Hii, Lau, Wong, Tiong and others give the thumbs-up to the painting.
(From right) Sempurai, Hie Ping, Hii, Lau, Wong, Tiong and others give the thumbs-up to the painting.

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