The Borneo Post

1,001 pupils plant their way into Malaysia Book of Records


KEMAMAN: The Malaysian Agricultur­al Research and Developmen­t Institute ( MARDI) has created a new record in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) with 1,001 pupils growing vegetables using recycled plastic bottles.

Agricultur­e and Agro- Based Industries Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said the vegetables were grown by 1,001 pupils from five primary schools in the district under the School of Green Shoots (GS) programme.

The five schools are, Sekolah Kebangsaaa­n ( SK) Chukai, SK Sri Iman, SK Seri Geliga, SK Sultan Ismail and Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Chukai.

He said the success was recognised in the MBOR yesterday as the ‘ Most Students Planting Vegetables in Recycled Plastic Bottles’. Through the system, there is no need to water the plants every day, because at the bottom of the bottle there is body of water thus it is a ‘ Self Watering Container’.

“The GS programme aims to cultivate students’ interest in agricultur­e and we want future generation­s to know how to appreciate agricultur­al farming and develop an interest to venture into this field,” he told reporters after launching the programme here.

During the ceremony the minister, who is also the member of Parliament for Kemaman, signed the MBOR certificat­e which was then presented to Mardi director- general, Datuk Dr Sharif Haron. — Bernama

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