The Borneo Post

British cities light up in support of grieving Paris


LONDON: London and other British cities lit landmark buildings in the red, white and blue of the French flag in solidarity on Saturday after Paris gun and bomb attacks killed 129 people.

Some two thousand people gathered at an evening vigil in the capital’s Trafalgar Square, where fountains and the grand portico of the National Gallery opposite were lit to resemble the Tricolour.

London landmarks the National Theatre, London Eye ferris wheel and Tower Bridge were also bathed in the French colours, joining other iconic buildings in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds.

“I feel sorry for the French, I’ve got friends in France. These kind of attacks could happen anywhere,” said Oliver McQueen at Trafalgar Square.

“I’m upset ... So many innocent people killed for nothing.” At times the crowd transforme­d into a sea of light as hundreds simultaneo­usly held up mobile phones and candles as they sang France’s national anthem and chanted the French motto ‘ Liberte, egalite, fraternite.’

“At times like this it’s important to show solidarity with the French people, especially since we’re so close to Paris, it could easily happen here,” said British student Alice Zhao, 18.

The French embassy became a shrine to those killed in Friday’s attacks, with around 60 bouquets laid at its front step.

“I just felt numb. It was just a sense that this kind of thing isn’t really a surprise anymore. It just happens over and over and over,” said Jonathan, 24, who cycles past the embassy on his commute to work. — AFP

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