The Borneo Post

Longhouse folk seek divine interventi­on


SIBU: Residents of Rumah Charles Egat at Sungai Langup in Pulau Kerto here have sought divine interventi­on by performing a special ‘ miring’ ( of fering) ritual recently to avoid further misfortune.

Its headman ( Tuai Rumah) Charles Egat said a ‘ manang’ ( shaman) identified only by his first name (Sidu) from Bintangor had been summoned to conduct the ritual.

“The purpose of the ritual was to appease the spirits who might be unhappy with the longhouse residents.

“We also sought forgivenes­s from the gods if we did something wrong,” he told reporters when met at the former site of his longhouse here.

Charles said each ‘bilik’ (family unit) at the longhouse prepared ‘piring 3 kali 8’ for the apologies and placed offerings at the former site of their living rooms and kitchens.

About 130 residents of the longhouse are left homeless after fire destroyed the main block comprising­14 doors at 2.15pm on Aug 3.

The second fire broke out at 12.15pm on Aug 10 which burned the extension units of the longhouse including two detached wooden houses and nine huts where the fire victims were taking shelter.

Fire nearly hit the longhouse for the third time on Friday but the gutsy act of a resident managed to put it out.

Charles said they had no plan to move to other location and that they would rebuild their longhouse at the same site despite the misfortune.

“We have been living here for the past three generation­s,” he said.

Meanwhile, Temenggong Dato Vincent Lau made a personal donation of RM300 per door to the fire victims yesterday. The money was presented by his son Kevin.

United People’s Party ( UPP) Sibu Bumiputera Unit chairman Andrew Shilling Bangit was also present.

 ??  ?? Kevin (right) presents the cash assistance to Tuai Rumah Charles as Andrew (second right) and another look on.
Kevin (right) presents the cash assistance to Tuai Rumah Charles as Andrew (second right) and another look on.
 ??  ?? A longhouse resident stands in front of an offering placed among the rubble.
A longhouse resident stands in front of an offering placed among the rubble.

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