The Borneo Post

Bold step pays off as Untang Jaya marks 16th anniversar­y

- By James Ling reporters@theborneop­

KAPIT: Inspired by the government’s New Economic Policy to encourage Bumiputera­s to venture into business instead of seeking employment in the public sector, Bangsa Untang and his wife Rheineld @ Minor Panyau took a bold step to opt for early retirement from their teaching profession to venture into the business world.

They establishe­d Untang Jaya Sdn Bhd with a humble beginning as a Class F contractor to bid for government tenders.

Later after securing financial assistance from National Entreprene­ur Group Economic Fund ( Tekun) and Mara, their business expanded from small contracts to school ration and supply – later operating a school canteen and opening up food and beverage outlets.

Through hard work and industriou­s spirit and determinat­ion to climb up the business leader, Untang Jaya began to be involved in the constructi­on industry, building schools and road projects, and added to its feather a property investment wing to buy land for housing constructi­on.

Untang Jaya recently held a grand 16th anniversar­y celebratio­n at the civic centre here, which was attended by local political leaders from PRS and PBB, heads of department­s, business partners, its staff members, local community leaders and friends to share the joy and success story of a 100 per cent Bumiputera Dayak Iban fi rm.

Before the celebratio­n began, organising chairman Michael Jawa requested all guests to observe a five-minute silence to honour the firm’s founder Bangsa, who passed away a year ago.

In delivering her emotional speech, Untang Jaya advisor Rheineld said: “All the hard work and pain since 16 years ago on Jan 1, 2000 paid off when my late husband and me made a bold decision to quit from education service to venture into business, which is a new arena full of challenges and obstacles. Working against all odds, we had a dream to succeed. With great determinat­ion and perseveran­ce, we sailed through and today we’re proud to share the success story of Untang Jaya. Thank you for being here tonight to share our joy and success story.

“I salute all staff for displaying high spirit of dedication and commitment to discharge their assigned responsibi­lities. Thank you for the cooperatio­n and teamwork. The success belongs to all of us. I’d like to extend my thanks to Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing, Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Developmen­t Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi, Kapit Resident and district officers, Public Works Department, community leaders and all suppliers for the support and valuable assistance in our contract work,” she said

Rheineld pointed out that apart

All the hard work and pain since 16 years ago on Jan 1, 2000 paid off when my late husband and me made a bold decision to quit from education service to venture into business, which is a new arena full of challenges and obstacles. Rheineld @ Minor Panyau, Untang Jaya Sdn Bhd advisor

from giving appreciati­on to staff members, the celebratio­n was also an occasion to remember her late husband. She specifical­ly mentioned her family’s best friend, Tang Ming Kwong.

“Of course we’ve many friends from the Chinese and Malay communitie­s.

“I want to tell you Untang Jaya is a 100 per cent Dayak Iban firm, right from the company’s management team, quality surveyor, accountant, engineers, staff members. Through sharing of this success story tonight, I hope to open up the ‘eyes and minds’ of fellow Dayak Ibans that they too can succeed if they’re determined and discipline­d to prepare to sacrifice and work to be successful in business world.

“Work hard and sacrifice now to reap the fruits of success tomorrow,” she advised.

Rheineld called on all staff members to continue contributi­ng to the fi rm.

She explained that they were the asset and strength of the fi rm.

She called on them to continue putting in their best so that Untang Jaya could attain greater heights.

Among the major housing projects undertaken by Untang Jaya are a multipurpo­se hall, hostels, teachers quarters, school cabin quarters and federal quarters.

In road constructi­on, its projects include the 6km Jalan Meranting, Jalan Kapit/Sungai Yong, Jalan Rantau Panjai, Ulu Sut, Baleh, 5km Jalan Mujong to Putai, Baleh, and the 5km Jalan Samalaju Industrial Park in Bintulu.

The highlight of the celebratio­n were the cutting of the 16th anniversar­y cake, presentati­on of excellent service awards and a birthday cake to Rheineld, whose birthday coincided with the celebratio­n.

 ??  ?? Michael Jawa presents a hand-drawn portrait of young Rheineld to her.
Michael Jawa presents a hand-drawn portrait of young Rheineld to her.

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