The Borneo Post

PVATM thanks govt for RM300 monthly assistance to veterans


BINTULU: Armed forces veterans aged 65 and above are receiving monthly assistance of RM300 from the government.

According to Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Associatio­n ( PVATM) Bintulu branch chairman Shearack Sebli, all armed forces veterans are automatica­lly eligible for the whole life assistance.

“Even veterans who have disciplina­ry problem were not left behind and are also entitled to the assistance.

“Veterans aged 65 and above are automatica­lly eligible to get RM300 monthly assistance for whole life,” he said at the ‘Jasamu dikenang’ dinner at Promenade Hotel here recently.

About 250 members of the associatio­n attended the dinner.

Among those present were Assistant Minister of Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t and Urbanisati­on Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Bintulu Developmen­t Authority secretary Latif Upit and Thomas Nyaring who represente­d Samalaju assemblyma­n Majang Renggi.

In thanking the government for the monthly assistance, Shearack assured that PVATM members would continue to stand firmly behind the government of the day.

M eanwhile, Talib who is the patron of PVATM Bintulu branch said the government would always remember the services and sacrifices of former armed forces personnel to the nation.

The armed forces and other enforcemen­t personnel played a vital role in safeguardi­ng the country from enemies, he said.

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