The Borneo Post

SCABLE shows it cares for special needs children


KUCHING: Sarawak Cable Berhad ( SCABLE) Group’s corporate social responsibi­lity ( CSR) committee and 20 volunteers rolled up their sleeves for a community project with Sarawak Society for Parents of Children With Learning Disabiliti­es ( Pibakat) last Saturday (Sept 24).

Armed with paint buckets and various housekeepi­ng items, the volunteers swept, scraped and scaled high ledges to give the main building a new coat of paint to restore it to its former glory.

They also donated colour pencils, exercise books, activity books and other stationery to the Pibakat classrooms for the use of their 40 special needs students.

“As part of our CSR motto ‘ With Love, We Care’, we try to give back as much as possible to the community in various ways. This year, we decided to liaise with Pibakat in empathy with parents or families with special needs children,” a CSR committee member Chai Kian Yew informed The Borneo Post in a press release yesterday.

“Hopefully, our gotong royong efforts will remind people that sometimes the best contributi­on is just a little understand­ing and community support,” he added.

Pibakat’s executive secretary Doris Kueh said children with learning or mental disabiliti­es were no different from their peers.

“They just have a different way of doing things. This is why social support systems are an integral part of their education, as it encourages them to develop life skills and raise their standard of living,” she added.

This gotong royong project is one of many SCABLE initiated over the past few years.

To date, SCABLE has donated over RM400,000 to various causes and organisati­ons.

 ??  ?? Miri Resident Antonio Kahti Galis (fourth left) presents a gift to Gerawat.
Miri Resident Antonio Kahti Galis (fourth left) presents a gift to Gerawat.

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