The Borneo Post

Dr Annuar advises assemblyme­n to be people’s champion


SIBU: Assistant Minister for Science Research and Biotechnol­ogy Dr Annuar Rapaee advises elected representa­tives to conduct themselves well when the State Legislativ­e Assembly (DUN) convenes today until Nov 30.

He stressed that profession­al behaviour was vital in the august House especially as the Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem would be tabling the state’s Budget 2017.

“The meeting will determine the developmen­t and growth of the state economy and as people’s representa­tives – we have to focus seriously on the budget and it is our responsibi­lity to ensure the budget will have a positive impact on the people we represent in the august House,” Dr Annuar, who is Nangka assemblyma­n added.

He pointed out that elected representa­tives also need to speak out without fear or favour on the needs of their constituen­cy.

“What is good from the budget must be supported even though we have different political ideology. In other words, political ideology should not supersede the importance of the people. Personal political mileage should not be the agenda in debating the budget,” Dr Annuar advised.

He said any untoward behavior like walking out from the dewan (august House) while it is in session were tantamount to betraying the trust given by their voters and such behaviour was akin to running away from their core responsibi­lity.

“Therefore, I urge especially the opposition to respect the proceeding as stated in the august House’s standing order so that this year’s budget can be discussed in a profession­al way to benefit the people at large.”

He advised the state opposition members not to follow their Peninsula counterpar­ts by staging a walk out like during the last national budget as such act was unparliame­ntary.

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