The Borneo Post

China doubles down on free trade as Trump leaves a void


LIMA: Chinese President Xi Jinping touted his country as a leader on free trade at a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, stepping up to fill a void left by US President- elect Donald Trump’s protection­ism.

Trump’s shock election victory has created a ‘ hinge moment’ in US- China ties, Xi warned as he held his final meeting with President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a summit in Lima, Peru.

“I hope the two sides will work together to focus on cooperatio­n, manage our difference­s and make sure there is a smooth transition in the relationsh­ip and that it will continue to grow going forward,” Xi said.

Obama, who is on his final foreign tour as president, described the relationsh­ip as “the most consequent­ial in the world.” During a vitriol-filled campaign, Trump frequently took a combative stance against China, blaming Beijing for “inventing” climate change and rigging the rules of trade.

The brash billionair­e’s attacks on free trade deals and vows to cut back the US role as “policeman of the world” are causing jitters in the Pacific Rim, where the US and China battle for influence.

Trump has vowed to kill Obama’s signature trade initiative in the region, the Trans- Pacific Partnershi­p, or TPP – an arduously negotiated 12- country deal that pointedly excludes China.

Trump campaigned against the proposal as a “terrible deal” that would “rape” the US by sending American jobs to countries with cheaper labour.

In a Pacific region hungry for trade, that has left even longtime US allies looking to China to fill the void.

Beijing is pushing two alternativ­e plans, one that is region-wide and one that excludes the US.

Xi urged regional leaders to advance both plans at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n (APEC) summit.

That positions China, a country the US once considered a threat to free-market capitalism, as the unlikely leader of the movement for open trade.

“Openness is vital for the prosperity of the Asia-Pacific,” Xi said in a keynote address.

In the face of Trump’s protection­ist rhetoric, he vowed China “will not shut its door to the outside world, but open it even wider.” US officials have urged the world to give Trump time to get his feet under the desk.

“How you campaign isn’t always the same as how you govern,” Obama told a town hall meeting of young Latin Americans in Lima.

Many leaders seem to be hoping as much within APEC – a 21-member free trade club that accounts for nearly 40 per cent of the world’s population and nearly 60 per cent of the global economy.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key said he was banking on Trump taking a pragmatic turn away from the extremes of his campaign.

“I personally think that President Trump will be like chairman of the corporatio­n Trump,” he said.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto – whose country has been the target of some of Trump’s harshest vitriol – said he would seek “dialogue” with the president- elect to safeguard the neighbors’ crucial trade relationsh­ip.

Trump insulted Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists during the campaign, vowed to force Mexico to pay billions of dollars to build a wall along the border, and threatened to restrict remittance­s that immigrants in the US send home.

It is unclear whether there is any future for the arduously negotiated TPP. — AFP

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