The Borneo Post

Five natural home remedies to lower high blood pressure


HIGH blood pressure, also called hypertensi­on, is a common condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistent­ly elevated.

High blood pressure is known as ‘silent killer’ because this condition usually doesn’t cause symptoms until it has done significan­t damage to the heart.

Normal blood pressure reading should be less than 120/80 mm Hg. Anyone whose blood pressure is consistent­ly at or 140/90mmhg is said to have hypertensi­on.

Experts warned that hypertensi­on is likely to end up being an epidemic in the near future if not controlled. Long term high blood pressure is also a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss and chronic kidney disease.

But taking simple measures - which include eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintainin­g a healthy weight, not smoking, taking alcohol in moderation - can help to cut your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Besides making lifestyle changes, there are also natural remedies that can help control blood pressure effectivel­y, even without medication. Here are some of them: - Garlic Garlic is a miracle herb that has been used to reduce cholestero­l levels in your body which is the main culprit behind hypertensi­on. Garlic contains hydrogen sulphide that could help lower blood pressure and be beneficial in diseases of the blood vessels that occur with ageing and diabetes. - Lemons Lemons help to keep blood vessels soft by removing rigidity, thereby reducing blood pressure. Also, the vitamin C content in lemon can help lower the risk of heart disease. - Bananas Bananas are rich in potassium, which is an important mineral that controls the balance of fluids in the body and helps to lower blood pressure. Other potassium-rich foods include potatoes, dates, and avocados. Studies have shown that consuming banana daily can help lower blood pressure. - Celery leaves Celery may reduce blood pressure due to the presence of 3-N-butylphtha­lide in it – a phytochemi­cal compound that helps in reducing high BP. - Curry leaves Curry leaves are an effective remedy for hypertensi­on. Low on salt and high on potassium, curry leaves are said to contain strong medicinal effect for the treatment of high blood pressure.

 ??  ?? Curry leaves are an effective remedy for hypertensi­on.
Curry leaves are an effective remedy for hypertensi­on.

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