The Borneo Post

SBP assessment not fully based on academic performanc­e


KUALA LUMPUR: Beginning next year, only 40 per cent of assessment for admission to Form One at fully residentia­l schools ( SBP) will be based on academic performanc­e, said Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid yesterday.

He said the remaining 60 per cent would depend on the students’ involvemen­t in cocurricul­ar activities and their discipline.

“Admission to SBP does not fully depend only on academic level, but the assessment marks will be given by schools based on the School-based Assessment (PBS).

“Many are prejudice with the system, but we place our trust on the teachers,” he said when speaking at the discussion session of the Education Cluster at the Ummah Agenda Empowering Convention (KPAU) 2.0 here.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh was also invited to speak during the discussion session on education.

The convention will fine-tune the resolution­s for the upcoming Umno General Assembly from the 691 already discussed and agreed upon at various levels of the party before this.

Responding to a question by a participan­t on a suggestion by MCA for annual budget to be made compulsory for Chinese nationalty­pe schools, Mahdzir said all schools received government allocation.

In another developmen­t, Idris said the ministry would leave to the universiti­es concerned to take action on five university students who participat­ed in the Bersih 5 assembly on Saturday.

“All universiti­es have been given autonomy, so they will be certain to not let their image to be tarnished,” he added.

During the discussion session, Idris shared a short animation video ‘Firdaus 2050’ produced by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) on his idea of the government’s aspiration for the new generation under the 20250 National Transforma­tion. — Bernama

Admission to SBP does not fully depend only on academic level, but the assessment marks will be given by schools based on the School-based Assessment (PBS). Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid, Education Minister

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