The Borneo Post

Closure notice to remind food operators to be compliant, not a penalty — Miri mayor


MIRI: Four food premises here were served with closure notice due to non- compliance with the requiremen­ts listed under the Food Hygiene Regulation­s (FHR) 2009.

According to Mayor Adam Yii, these eateries were identified during joint operations by Miri City Council ( MCC) and Miri Health Department running from January to November this year.

“These premises were ordered to close for 14 days, under Section 11 of Food Act 1983. Under FHR 2009, the owners of these eateries were also slapped with compounds for not complying with the requiremen­ts outlined under business licensing,” he told reporters here after having chaired a full council meeting recently.

Yii said the purpose of the closure was solely to get the owners or operators take immediate action to clean up their premises.

“It’s not a punishment. Although the closure notice is effective for two weeks, the premises can be opened much earlier than the date stipulated under the order – on condition that the outlets meet the sanitary and hygiene standards required by the council.”

He said among the factors contributi­ng to the issuance of the closure order were dirty and unhygienic conditions of the premises such as the detection of cross-contaminat­ion, the presence of pests like flies, cockroache­s and rats, the presence of faeces from pests such as rats, as well as having food handlers with very poor personal hygiene.

“It is the duty of the proprietor­s or owners of food premises to ensure that their operations would comply with the requiremen­ts set by the authoritie­s, and also to make sure that their food handlers must undergo proper training and have been medically examined and received proper vaccinatio­n.”

According to Yii, the collaborat­ion between MCC and Miri Health Department On involved 11 joint operations on 364 premises so far this year. Of the total, 15 food premises had been compounded.

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