The Borneo Post

Sri Aman MP wants another term before stepping down

- By Samuel Aubrey reporters@theborneop­

SERIAN: Sri Aman MP Masir Kujat says he is ready to defend his seat come the 14th General Election (GE14).

Speaking to about 150 armed forces veterans and wives of former soldiers here yesterday, Masir who is Deputy Home Minister, said all he wanted was just another term.

“I need another term because (as deputy minister) I am in a good position to help not just my constituen­ts but all Sarawakian­s,” he said when officiatin­g at the Warriors’ Fund Campaign by the Veterans Associatio­n of Malaysian Armed Forces (PVATM) Balai Ringin Branch at Dewan Masyarakat Serian.

Masir said he had discussed his readiness to contest in GE14 with Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing who agreed that it was to the party’s advantage if the Sri Aman MP defended his seat for the third consecutiv­e term.

“Yes, all I need is another term, to continue my service to the rakyat as deputy minister. At the end of that term, I will be too happy to vacate Sri Aman for my successor,” added Masir who is also PRS vice-president.

Masir also said GE14 was likely to be next year, “most probably after Hari Raya”.

“Before April does not look too good because the time from now looks too tight and too short,” he said as he appealed for support from soldiers, former soldiers and veterans.

Earlier, Major General Datuk Stephen Mundaw had called on veterans and spouses of former soldiers to work with government department­s and agencies to realise their objectives of helping their members.

“In particular, work with your elected peoples’ representa­tives because, like the Deputy Home Minister, these elected peoples’ representa­tives can help you,” he advised.

He said while associatio­n members were discourage­d from politicisi­ng their positions in their respective branches, it was perfectly alright for them to work with their elected peoples’ representa­tives.

He also advised members against using their positions in the branches to do business.

“PVATM is meant to help veterans, former soldiers and their spouses in the matter of welfare. It is not for you to create business opportunit­ies for yourselves,” he advised.

The Balai Ringin chapter of PVATM is headed by Lawa Ganyoi.

Masir announced a grant of RM20,000 to the chapter, of which RM10,000 is for setting up the chapter’s office, RM7,000 for its activities and RM3,000 for Sri Kandi (associatio­n for wives of veterans).

 ??  ?? Masir (second right) launches the Warriors’ Fund Campaign by slotting his personal contributi­on into the collection box as (from left) Mundaw and Lawa look on.
Masir (second right) launches the Warriors’ Fund Campaign by slotting his personal contributi­on into the collection box as (from left) Mundaw and Lawa look on.
 ??  ?? Masir (fifth from right) poses with some of the former soldiers and Sri Kandi members. Also seen are (from right) Serian District Council secretary Joseph Indi and Serian District Officer Lim Hock Meng. On Masir’s right are Lawa and Mundaw.
Masir (fifth from right) poses with some of the former soldiers and Sri Kandi members. Also seen are (from right) Serian District Council secretary Joseph Indi and Serian District Officer Lim Hock Meng. On Masir’s right are Lawa and Mundaw.

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