The Borneo Post

United Nations to vote on tighter North Korea sanctions


UNITED NATIONS, United States: The United Nations is readying tighter sanctions on North Korea that would limit its coal exports to China, in response to Pyongyang’s fifth and biggest nuclear test, US diplomats said Monday.

The resolution, spearheade­d by the United States and negotiated with Beijing for three months, should go to a Security Council vote today, according to diplomats who expect it will pass.

“This resolution would impose a hard, binding cap that will cut the DPRK’s coal exports, which are its largest single source of external revenues, by more than 60 percent,” said a US official familiar with the text, using the formal acronym for the North.

The tightening aims to cut 700 million from Pyongyang’s coal earnings — or a 62 per cent reduction from last year.

“It would dramatical­ly reduce the regime’s access to hard currency used for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” the diplomat stressed.

“We do not claim that this resolution is going to cause the DPRK to abandon its nuclear weapons program ... but this resolution would make it significan­tly more difficult.” And China, North Korea’s lone ally, is also among the few potential markets for that coal.

The draft text says that the Council ‘condemns in the strongest terms’ the North’s Sept 9 test. Pyongyang claimed at the time it had made major strides in its efforts to fit a miniaturiz­ed warhead on a rocket that could reach the United States. — AFP

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