The Borneo Post

PKR not surprised by federal govt taking over Syariah Bill

- By Samuel Aubrey reporters@theborneop­

KUCHING: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak was not surprised by Umno-led federal government’s move to take over tabling the Private Member’s Bill to propose to empower the Syariah Court in meting out criminal punishment­s from PAS.

Its chairman Baru Bian said it appeared that to Umno, the only way to push Sarawak BN over the edge is to adopt the Bill as their own, for Sarawak BN have always shown themselves to be compliant followers of Umno/ BN.

He charged that Umno will definitely play the ‘duty/guilt’ mind games with the Muslim BN leaders to support the Bill in its new form.

“Let us be clear about it – Umno is desperate to latch on to PAS grassroots votes due to the eroding support from its vote bank.

“Increasing­ly, Malays have turned away from Umno for various reasons – revelation­s of massive corruption and 1MBD linked with the PM, the sacking of Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, the formation of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and so on.

“Umno is turning to PAS, their one-time enemy for votes. It is a marriage of convenienc­e for (PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul) Hadi Awang and (Umno president Datuk Seri) Najib Tun Razak,” said Baru in a press statement.

Baru, who is also Ba’Kelalan assemblyma­n, believed Najib/ Hadi will try to sell their Bill as a non-Hudud product, and give their absolute and all-out assurance that it has nothing to do with Hudud and will not affect non-Muslims.

“We know from bitter experience that assurances from the Prime Minister and his minions are not worth anything. Recall the ‘Allah’ issue, the seizure of the bibles and CDs, the hardship faced by converts who want to leave Islam, etc,” he said.

He reiterated that in Sarawak, the focus must be on our rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), the Malaysia Act, the pre-formation documents and the Federal Constituti­on.

“The Malaysia we agreed to form is a secular Malaysia. Our forefather­s had insisted on it, first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman had said it, and the courts have ruled on it. Any element of Hudud that is introduced into law will be a violation of this agreement, not to mention a contravent­ion of the guarantee of equality under the Federal Constituti­on.

“In this matter, All MPs must vote as Sarawakian­s first, and political affiliates second.

“I hope that all MPs will make sure they are at Parliament for the debate and voting, and resist the convenient ‘solution’ of absenting themselves so they do not have to make their stand known.

“Sarawakian MPs owe it to the people of Sarawak to act in their interests. In this matter, political allegiance and expediency must have no bearing on their votes,” he said.

He reminded the MPs that all proceeding­s in Parliament are recorded in the Hansard for posterity, and he hoped that none of our MPs will have cause for regret if they are called to account for their actions in later years.

“This is an opportunit­y to create a legacy for our future generation­s. It is time to stand up and be counted as an equal partner with equal say in the future of Sarawak and Malaysia,” he said.

Let us be clear about it – Umno is desperate to latch on to PAS grassroots votes due to the eroding support from its vote bank. Increasing­ly, Malays have turned away from Umno for various reasons – revelation­s of massive corruption and 1MBD linked with the PM, the sacking of Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, the formation of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and so on. Umno is turning to PAS, their one-time enemy for votes. It is a marriage of convenienc­e for (PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul) Hadi Awang and (Umno president Datuk Seri) Najib Tun Razak — Baru Bian, PKR Sarawak chairman

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