The Borneo Post

Lawas district is first off the block towards transforma­tion


LAWAS: Lawas district is first off the block in adopting the transforma­tion programme towards 2030 Developed State with strategic developmen­t plans and initiative­s.

Limbang Resident Datuk Maria Hasman revealed that Lawas structural plan and developmen­t blueprint included rural developmen­t , performanc­e and service delivery and other components.

The plan also aimed to take full advantage of Lawas’ strategic location bordering Sabah, Labuan, Brunei and Kalimantan and it’s strengths in resources and economic activities.

He said this during a briefing by Land and Survey Department and state planning unit on Lawas structural plan revision and Lawas Town plan before Second Minister of Resource Planning and Environmen­t Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan and local leaders at Hotel Seri Malaysia here on Friday.

“Lawas has met all the requiremen­ts of transforma­tion under the three state committees of transforma­tion and the emphasis is on economic developmen­t, “said Maria who is also the divisional developmen­t committee chairman.

The briefing was conducted by the Land and Survey Department director Datuk Sajeli Kipli, adviser to SPA Datu Abang Kassim Abang Zawawi on the proposed components of the blue print for Lawas.

Also attending the briefing were Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperativ­es and Consumeris­m Datuk Henry Sum, Lawas District officer Hussaini Hakim and community leaders.

Awang Tengah said Lawas was taking a holistic approach in moving forward to realise her potential in tandem with the state transforma­tion agenda.

 ??  ?? Awang Tengah (left) stressing a point during the presentati­on of the Lawas structural plan and Lawas Town Plan
Awang Tengah (left) stressing a point during the presentati­on of the Lawas structural plan and Lawas Town Plan

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