The Borneo Post

Umno members’ loyalty to president undivided — Zahid


THE loyalty of the members of Umno to party president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is expressed with sincerity, stresses Umno vice president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

“Wala’ means loyal... We, as delegates, not only in the hall (Putra World Trade Centre), outside the hall, in villages, our loyalty is undivided, our loyalty is sincere loyalty,” said Ahmad Zahid in his winding up speech at the end of the 2016 Umno general assembly, which concluded yesterday.

Ahmad Zahid, who performed the duties of party deputy president, said Najib was always concerned on the needs of the people regardless of race and religion.

“Our President does good not only to us Muslims, Umno, Malays ...but he also does good to all because he is Prime Minister to all the people of Malaysia,” said Ahmad Zahid, who is also Deputy Prime Minister.

Touching on the solidarity of the party leadership line up, Ahmad Zahid stressed that there should not be any quarter putting him and Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Tun Hussein at logger-heads.

“Forget the intention.. Hishamuddi­n and I are two brothers. We were three brothers previously.

“Don’t pit the two brothers against each other because we always support the Prime Minister,” he said.

Ahmad Zahid also delivered a ‘seloka’ (poem containing a moral) which among others urged party members to empower the party general election machinery to ensure Barisan Nasional candidates are victorious at the 14th General Election (GE14) as a present to the president. — Bernama

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