The Borneo Post

Norway court to review Breivik’s ‘inhumane’ treatment ruling


OSLO: A Norwegian court will tomorrow examine the state’s appeal against a ruling that right-wing extremist and mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has been treated inhumanely since being jailed for killing 77 people nearly six years ago.

A lower court made waves in April when it found that Breivik’s human rights were violated as he was subjected to ‘inhumane’ and ‘degrading’ treatment in prison — a decision that disturbed many families of the victims, mostly teenagers at a summer island camp.

“We hope that the state wins this new round, that justice digs deeper into the case,” said the head of a family support group, Lisbeth Kristine Royneland, whose 18-year- old daughter was shot dead by Breivik in the killing spree on Utoya island.

Breivik is imprisoned in a 30 square-metre three- cell complex where he’s allowed to play video games and watch television on two sets.

The 37-year- old also has a computer without internet access, gym machines, books and newspapers. But beyond these comfortabl­e material conditions, a district court judge had ruled that security measures took excessive precedence over human rights.

She pointed to the fact that Breivik had been kept isolated from other inmates ‘in a prison inside a prison’, without enough social activities.

The ruling also questioned the many potentiall­y ‘ humiliatin­g’ strip searches, the systematic use of handcuffs and other frequent awakenings at night, especially in the early days of his imprisonme­nt.

On July 22, 2011, Breivik carried out two attacks, first killing eight people by detonating a bomb at the foot of a government building in Oslo.

Then, disguised as a policeman, he killed 69 others by opening fire at a Labour Party youth camp on the Utoya island with the teenagers trapped by the freezing waters of the surroundin­g lake.

The attacks were the worst committed on Norwegian soil since World War II. Breivik, a selfprocla­imed neo-Nazi who said he killed his victims because they valued multicultu­ralism, was sentenced in August 2012 to 21 years in prison, a term that can be extended if he is still considered a threat.

 ??  ?? Anders Behring Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik

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