The Borneo Post

Abang Johari a true blue Sarawakian – PRS Women wing


KUCHING: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Women wing calls on all Sarawakian­s to rally behind Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg following his assurance that Umno will not be allowed into the state.

Its chief Datuk Seri Doris Sophia Brodie said this statement showed the Chief Minister is a true blue Sarawakian.

“He shares our sentiments, he feels our heartbeats and he knows what is good for Sarawakian­s. We never have Umno in Sarawak all these while and we have been doing fine (so far). Therefore, the issue of Umno coming in to Sarawak shouldn’t have risen in the first place,” she said yesterday.

Abang Johari, after the swearing in of the state cabinet and assistant ministers on Thursday, had said ‘as long as I am the chief minister and leader of Sarawak, I will not allow Umno to come in’.

Doris pointed out that while the passing of the late Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem was a great loss for Sarawak, the appointmen­t of Abang Johari as the new Chief Minister gave new hope to Sarawakian­s.

She noted that Abang Johari has a wealth of experience having held various portfolios in the state cabinet apart from many years of serving as an elected representa­tive.

“He was born into, grew and became part of the state’s very diverse cultures, religions and traditions; he is one of us,” she added.

On behalf of PRS Women’s wing, she expressed their hope that the Chief Minister would continue to emphasise on rural transforma­tion to close the gap between rural and urban developmen­t.

“The issue on Pulau Galau and Pemakai Menua is also an area that we hope our new CM will resolve amicably in favour of the Dayak community,” she added.

The wing’s publicity chief Priscilla Bangi also hoped that gender equality will be amongst the important issues that the new Chief Minister will focus on.

“We need more women especially Dayak women in the decision making positions in the public as well as private sectors, GLCs (government-linked companies) as well as increasing the number of women lawmakers.

“We (Dayak women) hope our efforts, contributi­ons and existence towards and in this nation are not overlooked. Dayak women, like the masses out there, also share all Sarawakian dreams,” she said.

Meanwhile, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) veteran member Dato Peter Minos said Abang Johari started with the right note and right footing by stating that Umno will not be allowed to set foot in Sarawak.

He reasoned this is because Sarawakian­s just want Sarawakbas­ed political parties and local politician­s, be it in the government or opposition.

“Why so? I would say that Sarawakian­s seek and wish it that way and no other way, nothing to do with being anti Peninsula or whatever.

“Also by saying that the legacies of the late Adenan will be honoured and respected, Abang Johari said something that Sarawakian­s like and love to hear. It must be remembered that Adenan was hugely popular and his words and deeds as well as his ideas and policies were very much appreciate­d. And so, by giving deference to him, the Sarawak public liked it,” he said.

By doing what he did, Minos said Abang Johari is giving assurance that there is real respect for continuity and stability, things that citizens everywhere value very much.

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