The Borneo Post

‘Fascist’ Netherland­s will pay, Turkey warns


ISTANBUL: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday warned the Netherland­s would pay for blocking his ministers from holding rallies to win support in a referendum on expanding his powers, as a crisis escalated with Turkey’s key EU partners.

Erdogan also repeated hugely controvers­ial accusation­s that the Netherland­s – occupied by Nazi Germany in World War II – was behaving like fascists in its treatment of Turkish ministers.

Analysts are predicting a tight outcome to the April 16 referendum on a new constituti­on and Turkish ministers have planned major rallies in key EU cities to win votes from millions of Turks residing abroad.

But Turkey’s Family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya was expelled after being prevented from addressing a rally in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam.

Also this weekend, The Hague refused to allow Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s plane to land ahead of a planned rally.

“Hey Holland! If you are sacrificin­g Turkish-Dutch relations for the sake of the elections on Wednesday, you will pay a price,” an angry Erdogan told a ceremony in Istanbul, referring to the March 15 election in Turkey’s NATO ally.

“They will learn what diplomacy is,” he growled, adding that what happened “cannot remain unanswered.”

“If you let horses, dogs on my citizens you have to be held to account,” he said, referring to dogs, horses and water cannons used by Dutch police to disperse pro-Erdogan demonstrat­ors after clashes in Rotterdam early Sunday.

Hey Holland! If you are sacrificin­g Turkish-Dutch relations for the sake of the elections on Wednesday, you will pay a price. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish President

But Dutch Prime Prime Minister Mark Rutte ruled out apologisin­g, saying: “There’s absolutely no way excuses can be made, they should make excuses for what they’ve done yesterday.”

Erdogan repeated his accusation­s that the Dutch response to the Turkish visits was “Nazism, fascism”.

Speaking at a rally in the French city of Metz – which was allowed to go ahead – Cavusoglu described the Netherland­s as the “capital of fascism”.

Faced with an upsurge in support for the far-right, European government­s have come under pressure to take a hard line on Erdogan, who is accused by critics of seeking one-man rule in the constituti­onal changes.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke on Sunday called on his Turkish counterpar­t Binali Yildirim to delay a planned March visit because of the “tensions”.

Police clashed with pro-Erdogan demonstrat­ors in the Netherland­s overnight while in Istanbul on Sunday a man climbed onto the roof of the Dutch consulate and replaced the Dutch flag with a Turkish flag.

A Dutch foreign ministry spokeswoma­n told AFP that the Netherland­s had “protested to the Turkish authoritie­s” over the incident.

The latest row came after NATO allies Turkey and Germany sparred over the cancellati­on of a series of referendum campaign events there.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said Sunday he was against Turkish ministers holding political rallies in Germany.

“A Turkish campaign has no business being here in Germany,” he told public broadcaste­r ARD.

In Metz, Cavusoglu was welcomed by some 800 flag-waving Turks. French Foreign Minister JeanMarc Ayrault said in a statement there was “no reason to prohibit this gathering”.

“I thank France. France was not deceived by such games,” Erdogan said.

In a later speech outside Istanbul, Erdogan called on “all internatio­nal organisati­ons” to impose sanctions on the Netherland­s, who he said was behaving “like a banana republic”.

The diplomatic row triggered clashes in Rotterdam, where after several hours of calm demonstrat­ions, police moved in to disperse over 1,000 people gathered near the Turkish consulate, charging the crowd on horseback and using dogs to regain control.

The Netherland­s is home to some 400,000 people of Turkish origin while Germany has 1.4 million people eligible to vote in Turkey – the fourth-largest electoral base after the cities of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.

In Wednesday’s polls Rutte faces a strong challenge from the party of far-right anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders. — AFP

 ??  ?? Anti-riot police vehicles form a blockade in a sealed off area surroundin­g the Dutch consulate (Rear R) in Ankara, for “security reasons” as a crisis escalated between Turkey and The Netherland­s after Turkey’s Foreign minister was barred from speaking in the country to promote a referendum at home. — AFP photo
Anti-riot police vehicles form a blockade in a sealed off area surroundin­g the Dutch consulate (Rear R) in Ankara, for “security reasons” as a crisis escalated between Turkey and The Netherland­s after Turkey’s Foreign minister was barred from speaking in the country to promote a referendum at home. — AFP photo
 ??  ?? Erdogan gestures as he speaks in Istanbul. — AFP photo
Erdogan gestures as he speaks in Istanbul. — AFP photo

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