The Borneo Post

NGO delivers one-off food aid to Anjung Singgah resident


KUCHING: Hope Place Kuching ( Hope Place) came to the aid of an Anjung Singgah resident after the shelter drew attention to 49year- old Hajijah Abdullah, who suffers from a number of ailments and could not care for herself completely.

According to a press release, Hajijah suffers from osteoarthr­itis in her knees, a spine problem, and had also undergone two operations for a fibroid (tumour). She is weak and cannot walk properly.

Apart from being unable to work, her mother had passed away and her father is too old and sick to take care of her.

Hajijah spent the last nine months with a friend and is now at Anjung Singgah because she did not want to be a burden any longer.

Anjung Singgah will help facilitate Hajijah’s transfer to the Sarawak Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) shelter soon, but she did not have much in terms of food so Hope Place was roped in to assist.

Hope Place founder Kelvin Wan handed over a one-off assistance of food items such as rice, cooking oil, Milo powder, salt, sugar, noodles, biscuits, and canned food, as well as other personal necessitie­s such as toothpaste, a blanket, towel and mattress.

Anjung Singgah also helped Hajijah to apply for financial assistance from the state Welfare Department (JKM), which approved RM200 a month for Hajijah.

Hope Place is a non-government­al organisati­on ( NGO) that visits poor and less fortunate families to contribute essential food items like rice, cooking oil, sugar, salt, biscuits, and noodles.

Many of these families or individual­s barely earn enough to get through the month and hence, are grateful for the assistance provided by these basic necessitie­s delivered to them.

For families with children with special needs, or with elderly or disabled people, the NGO provides milk powder, oats and diapers as well.

Hope Place carries out aid deliveries once every two months because of the many families on their recipients list. Currently, it supports more than 170 families.

For more informatio­n on how to help, Hope Place can be reached at 013- 5672775 ( hotline) or 082683378 (office) from 8.30am-2pm and 2pm- 5pm on Mondays to Fridays; or from 9am to 12pm only on Saturdays.

For those interested to make a donation, please request for a receipt from Hope Place staff.

For direct bank-in, the account number is 5112- 89001160 ( Maybank) under the name ‘ Persatuan Kebajikan Harapan Kuching’.

 ??  ?? Wan (right) handing over the goods to Hajijah (centre), witnessed by an official from a shelter home Anjung Singgah.
Wan (right) handing over the goods to Hajijah (centre), witnessed by an official from a shelter home Anjung Singgah.

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