The Borneo Post

Sibu hosts seminar for Chinese school headmaster­s


SIBU: Thirty- five Chinese primary school headmaster­s from the National Union of Headmaster­s’ Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur branch (KKGGBM WPKL) and SJKC Headmaster­s’ Council of Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (SJKC WPKL) are here for the SJKC Headmaster­s’ Education seminar.

The 4- day seminar at Kingwood Hotel began yesterday.

KKGGBM chairman Wong Shee Fatt said the annual seminar was the 14th of its kind organised by SJKC WPKL.

“We’ve chosen Sibu as the venue in view of the Visit Sibu Year 2017 ( VSY 2017).

“We hold it at different places. Venues of the previous seminar included Taiwan, Langkawi and the Cameron Highlands,” he enthused.

Wong said visits to places of interest, including a longhouse and SJKC type schools in Sibu, had been arranged for the seminar participan­ts.

The seminar will deliberate on the theme “Upgrading headmaster­s’ profession­alism towards transforma­tion thinking of the School leadership management in 21st century”.

Meanwhile, the director of Education Department of Federal Territory, Dato Foziah Buang, said the main aim of the seminar was to expose the headmaster­s from Kuala Lumpur to the current developmen­t of the education system.

“In the first phase, we have been given exposure in regard to education transforma­tion.

“’Whereas for this second phase, we will be exposed on ways to implement whatever programmes that have been planned in the education developmen­t plan,” she said.

 ??  ?? Foziah (seated centre) with Wong on her left posing with the participan­ts and the VSY 2017 mascot, Bubu.
Foziah (seated centre) with Wong on her left posing with the participan­ts and the VSY 2017 mascot, Bubu.

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