The Borneo Post

New French President vows to overcome division


PARIS: Emmanuel Macron took power as President of France yesterday in a solemn ceremony heavy with tradition at the Elysee Palace and he pledged to work to heal divisions in society – a nod to the bitter campaign he fought to defeat a far-right leader.

His inaugurati­on marked a first for the world's fifth largest economy and founding member of the European Union, installing a 39-year- old centrist newcomer unknown to the wider public three years ago and who stands outside any traditiona­l political grouping.

In his first word in office, he addressed himself to the fraught and fiercely contested election campaign in which he overcame the National Front's Marine Le Pen but which was a disappoint­ment for almost half of France's 47 million voters.

“The division and fractures in our society must be overcome. I know that the French expect much from me. Nothing will make me stop defending the higher interests of France and for working to reconcile the French,” Macron declared.

A convinced European integratio­nist unlike Le Pen and other candidates, Macron went on: “The world and Europe need more than ever France, and a strong France, which speaks out loudly for freedom and solidarity.”

Macron took power formally after an hour-long private meeting with outgoing President Francois Hollande in which official access to France's nuclear missile launch codes was handed over.

Macron then accompanie­d his political patron, for whom he once worked as economy minister, down the red carpet to a waiting car in which the Socialist leader departed to applause from VIP guests and his former household staff.

In a ceremony conducted with all the pomp and glitter of high state occasions in France, Macron was presented with what is effectivel­y his chain of office - a heavy golden necklace mounted on a red cushion that makes him Grand Master of the National Order of the Legion d'Honneur - an honours system for servants of the Republic.

But he also appeared determined to create an impression of personal modesty at the start of his rule.

Aides went out of their way to emphasise that the dark suit he wore to stride up the red carpet to power cost about 450 euros or just under US$ 500.

The Vuitton lavender blue costume worn by his wife Brigitte, who was at his side, was on loan from the fashion house, journalist­s were told.

But he also displayed youthful vigour during the televised proceeding­s - at one point racing up the stairs to meet a protocol requiremen­t, something not all previous French presidents might have managed.

The arrival in power of Macron, which was marked by a 21- gun salute at the Esplanade des Invalides behind the Eiffel Tower, signalled at least a pause in the anti- globalisat­ion trend that brought Donald Trump the US presidency and led British voters to pick a future outside the European Union.

Departing from past tradition, he chose to be driven by military jeep rather than civilian limousine up to the Arc de Triomphe in driving rain to light the flame in tribute to France's war dead at the tomb to the unknown soldier - a potent reminder of France's role in the Nato defence alliance.

The Arc is not far from where a policeman was shot dead by a gunman acting for Islamic State shortly before the May 7 second round of the election.

 ??  ?? Macron waves from a command car on the Champs Elysees avenue. — Reuters photo
Macron waves from a command car on the Champs Elysees avenue. — Reuters photo

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