The Borneo Post

Putin a bigger threat than Islamic State — McCain


SYDNEY: Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to world security than the so-called Islamic State group, according to veteran US Senator John McCain who also admits Donald Trump makes him ‘nervous’.

Republican McCain – one of US President Trump’s most outspoken critics in his own party – said Russia’s alleged meddling in elections was a danger to democracy.

“I think he is the premier and most important threat, more so than ISIS,” McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told the Australian Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n late Monday.

“I think ISIS can do terrible things, but it is the Russians who are trying, who tried to destroy the very fundamenta­l of democracy and that is to change the outcome of an American election.

“I have seen no evidence they succeeded but they tried and they are still trying. They just tried to affect the outcome of the French election.

“So I view Vladimir Putin, who has dismembere­d the Ukraine, a sovereign nation, who is putting pressure on the Baltics, I view the Russians as the far greatest challenge that we have.”

McCain’s comments come with the Trump team embroiled in controvers­y over its relationsh­ip with Moscow, which US intelligen­ce agencies say tried to sway last November’s election in the property tycoon’s favour.

A broad investigat­ion into Russia’s apparent meddling is being led by Robert Mueller, a respected former FBI director who was given wide powers to pursue the case as a special counsel.

The US Senate and House Intelligen­ce committees are also leading their own probes.

Over the weekend the furore pierced the innermost circle of the White House with reports that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner sought a secret communicat­ions link to Russia – an allegation the president called ‘ fabricated.’

Asked about the Kushner revelation, McCain, in Australia on a visit, said: “My view of it is I don’t like it. I know that some administra­tion officials are saying ‘well that’s standard procedure’.

“I don’t think that it’s standard procedure prior to the inaugurati­on of a president of the United States by someone who is not in an appointed position.” — AFP

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