The Borneo Post

US considers possible sanctions against Venezuela oil sector


WASHINGTON: The Trump administra­tion is considerin­g possible sanctions on Venezuela’s vital energy sector, including state oil company PDVSA, senior White House officials said, in what would be a major escalation of US efforts to pressure the country’s embattled leftist government amid a crackdown on the opposition.

The idea of striking at the core of Venezuela’s economy, which relies on oil for some 95 per cent of export revenues, has been discussed at high levels of the administra­tion as part of a wide-ranging review of US options, but officials said it remains under debate and action is not imminent.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters the United States could hit PDVSA as part of a “sectoral” sanctions package that would take aim at the OPEC nation’s entire energy industry for the first time.

But they made clear that the administra­tion is moving cautiously, mindful that if such an unpreceden­ted step is taken it could deepen the country’s economic and social crisis, in which millions suffer food shortages and soaring inflation. Two months of antigovern­ment unrest has left more than 60 people dead.

Another complicati­ng factor would be the potential impact on oil shipments to the United States, for which Venezuela is the third largest oil supplier after Canada and Saudi Arabia. It accounted for eight per cent of US oil imports in March, according to US government figures.

“It’s being considered,” one of the officials told Reuters, saying aides to President Donald Trump have been tasked to have a recommenda­tion on oil sector

I don’t think we’re at a point to make a decision on it. But all options are on the table. We want to see the bad actors held to account. Official

sanctions ready if needed.

“I don’t think we’re at a point to make a decision on it. But all options are on the table. We want to see the bad actors held to account.”

The US deliberati­ons on new sanctions come against the backdrop of the worst protests faced yet by socialist President Nicolas Maduro, who critics accuse of human rights abuses in a clampdown on the opposition.

Since Trump took office in January, he has stepped up targeted sanctions on Venezuela, including on the vice president, the chief judge and seven other Supreme Court justices. He has pressed the Organizati­on of American States to do more to help resolve the crisis.

While Trump has taken a more active approach to Venezuela than his predecesso­r Barack Obama, he has so far stopped short of drastic economic moves that could hurt the Venezuelan people and give Maduro ammunition to accuse Washington of meddling.

The two administra­tion officials said the United States is also prepared to impose further sanctions on senior officials it accuses of corruption, drug traffickin­g ties and involvemen­t in what critics see as a campaign of political repression aimed at consolidat­ing Maduro’s rule. — Reuters

 ??  ?? The corporate logo of the state oil company PDVSA is seen at a gas station in Caracas, Venezuela.
The corporate logo of the state oil company PDVSA is seen at a gas station in Caracas, Venezuela.

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