The Borneo Post

‘Penan resource tenure and mode of life’ talk June 30

- By Churchill Edward reporters@theborneop­

KUCHING: Jayl Langub, a retired civil servant and currently an associate research fellow at the Institute of Borneo Studies in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak ( Unimas) will be the speaker at the talk on the topic of ‘ Penan resource tenure and mode of life’.

According to Friends of Sarawak Museum group, the public talk – in English – will be held at the 14 Chairs Room of the Old Courthouse here on June 30, starting 10.30am.

Registrati­on for the event is free.

“For generation­s the Penan have made a living and maintain a longterm relationsh­ip with the land and forest. In their interactio­ns with the surroundin­g area, the Penan have left their ‘ footprints’ (uban) through a series of former campsites (‘la’a’ in Eastern Penan; ‘ laa’ lamin’ in Western Penan) over the landscape, as they moved from one resource-area to another within a specific river system or area.

“As they harvest resources they establish ‘ tenure’ (olong) over them to ensure systematic management. The practice of leaving behind their ‘ footprints’ and the idea of a resource tenure system are ways they establish a long-term relationsh­ip with, and rights to the land and its resources,” the group said in a press statement yesterday.

“The Penan have a word ‘tawai’ that expresses in a particular way their sentiment to the landscape. It binds the group and individual­s to the landscape. Penans’ feeling for the landscape, expressed through ‘tawai’, is told and retold through ‘ tesok’ (oral narratives) to succeeding generation­s. It is also expressed and passed down the generation­s through ‘sinui’ (Western Penan) or ‘jajan’ (Eastern Penan) sung for entertainm­ent,” the statement added.

Friends of Sarawak Museum can be reached at 012-8550588.

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